Chapter 5

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Yang was roommates with Weiss. It wasn't her first choice. She originally thought about Julliard, but reconsidered as she was more focused on modern music. As such, Yang had no idea that Weiss applied for Berklee. That's not to say that she wasn't excited to bunk with her best friend.

"I didn't know that you were attending this school!" Yang shouted.

"I asked where you were staying and they allowed me to, quote unquote, bunk with you,".

"That's awesome!"

"Yes, I am quite looking forward to being your roommate," Weiss said, surprisingly calm. A few seconds later, both of them burst out laughing and hug each other (imagine the hug from volume 5 but less sad).

"So, what are you studying here? Mozart? Ludwig Van Koopaling?" Yang jokes.

"Actually, besides your dumb joke and getting his name incorrect, I'm here to learn about songwriting and music theory," Weiss smiled, after she deadpanned.

"That's cool! So, what's your first period?"

"History of audio engineering with... Professor Oobleck".

"Like the slime?"

"I have no clue".

"Okay, well, when do classes start?"

"Apparently, the head of next week. We have approximately 36 hours before we have to wake up and officially begin our semester,".

"3 days until Monday. Got it".


"So, uh, what do we do?"

"Start studying of course," Weiss stated, matter-of-factly.



Blake ended up bunking with Ilia. They both knew where each other was applying to, but it was a nice surprise anyway.

"I'm so glad I didn't get stuck with some weirdo! 'Operation: Avoid Awkward' is a success," The chameleon laughed when she saw Blake sitting on a bed.

"Ugh, me too. That would've been terrible. I mean, imagine having to make small talk," The ravenette replied.

"Soo... meet anyone.... interesting?" Ilia raised her eyebrows at the last word, making Blake playfully roll her eyes.

"It's the first day, silly".

"And? What difference does that make?"

"Well, I did see someone from my elementary school,".

"Ooohhhh, that IS interesting".

"Yeah, she stood up to a bully. Punched him into a fence when he took my bow," she chuckled.

"Is she attractive?"


"What? We need you to get someone. It's been awhile".

"For good reason..."

"I know, we gotta work past it. You're better now,".

"That's true. I guess I just don't want to trust anyone like him again,"

"You should give her a chance to show that she's NOT him," Ilia smiled.

Blake smiled back, "You're right,".

A bit shorter, this one. I'm so sorry I've held off for so long 😭. I'm driving across the country, but got writer's block soo....
But yeah. The next chapter will be out soon. Hope you enjoyed this one and thanks for reading! 🖤💛

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