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"Are you ready?" The Traveler asks. "Ready for what?" Davina furrows her eyebrows. "For your death" She pulls out a dagger, "So, I'm not just gonna slip into a sleep, you're gonna kill me aggressively?" Davina asks "No, it's just a small cut on your throat" She nods.

Davina looks around to the girls and Chuck, "I don't want to do this" She shakes her head, "They can't help you" The traveler smiles. "Stop, I don't want this  anymore," she tuts in disagreement. "It's too late for that," The Traveler picks up the dagger. "Stop, I don't want this" Davina begs backing away "Til later... or not" The traveler holds up the dagger. Davina trips over her foot and falls onto the ground. "Goodbye, Davina" She begins to walk closer making Davina scream.

Davina gasps awake, "It was only a dream" She nods to herself. Davina then takes the glass of water off of her bedside table and drinks some. "5:23" Davina sets the glass of water onto the table and then falls back into her bed thinking of the dream.
"It won't be that bad, right?" She says aloud taking to herself.


"Are you all right? You look tired?" Becky asks. "I just didn't sleep well" Davina bites the inside of her mouth. "No? Why not?" Ida asks. "In a matter of days, I might die. It gives me nightmares" She frowns. "Sorry to hear that" Becky's lips go into a thin line. "Oh, well" She shrugs her shoulders.

"I can only hang til 6" Ida takes a bite of her sandwich. "How come?" Davina asks. "My dad lost his job" She sighs. "What? How?" Davina asks. "How do you think?" Ida rolls her eyes. "I'm not following" She shakes her head. "Chuck! He obviously did it" Ida raises her voice. "That's a stretch. Why do you think that?" Davina asks furrowing her eyebrows. "My dad offered him a small side job and then my dad got fired from stealing." Davina chuckles a little. "It isn't funny!" Ida shouts. "No. No, it's not i'm just confused why you think Chuck had something to do with it" She laughs again. "He used magic" Ida says. "Yeah, okay" Davina stops laughing.


"Why do you hate Chuck so much?" Davina asks. "Vi, this could possibly be my last day with just you. I don't wanna talk about Chuck" Ida looks down. "Right...." Davina mummers awkwardly.

"So, what will we do?" Ida asks. "I was thinking you could finally teach me to pick a lock" Davina grins. "Finally! I've been waiting for this day for like... ever!" Ida exclaims in excitement.


"Okay, give me a hair clip," Ida holds out her hand while Davina hands her a clip. Ida begins to bend the clip and put it in the door jiggling it about. "Voila!" Ida shouts. "Is your aunt gonna mind we done this?" Davina asks. "If it was her house then probably" Ida shrugs. "This isn't her house-" Davina gets cut off. "Get off of my porch!" A man shouts exiting the house. "Run!" Ida shouts making them sprint and giggle.

"That was so fun. Where did you learn to do that?"Davina stops and catches her breath. "I picked it up off of some cousins," She shrugs. "Well, thank you for teaching me, I look foward to breaking into peoples houses" Davina giggles again. "Invite me if you do" Ida says "Oh, definitely" Davina nods.

"Now what?" Ida sighs. "Hmm, we could play a joke on people?" She smiles. "I like the way you think" Ida gives a devious smirk.


"You got the cola?" Davina asks. "Here" Ida hands her it. Davina takes the top off of the mall soap dispenser and pours the cola in it. "Someone's coming. Hide" Ida says. Davina quickly puts the top on and then runs into a stall with Ida.

The girls put their hands over their mouths to suppress their giggles. A girl gasps loudly meaning their trap had worked. "I know you're in here!" A girl around 16 shouts. The two look at eachother with a fake serious look on their faces.

"Which stall are you in?" The girl shouts in anger. Davina and Ida gulp. "You're pathetic!" The girl shouts leaving. Davina and Ida burst out into laughter. "Think it's safe to go?" Ida asks "Probably" The girls leave the stall.

"Or not" A girl says blocking the door. "I swear she left" Davina chuckles. "No. Do you think your little prank was funny?" She asks "Yeah, that's kinda why we done it" Davina says making them snort. "You're both absolute squares" The girl rolls her eyes. "Amazing information" Ida straightens her posture. "Get out" She says. "You're blocking the door" Davina's lips go into a thin line. The girl moves away. "See you later," Ida giggles.


"Today was amazing!" Ida smiles. "I happen to have that effect on people," She pulls Ida in for a hug, "Thank you, Ida" She smiles. "For what?" Ida furrows here eyebrows again. "Not making this crappy day crappy" She pulls away.


Davina walks into her bathroom to take off the little make up she had put on. She was looking worse and worse by the day and it wasn't going away. She began to hum as she wash her face. She grabs a towel to dry her face then begins to brush her teeth. She spits out the toothpaste but only sees red.
Davina gulps and cleans her tooth brush and the sink.


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