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"Are you out of your mind?" Kelly yells angrily. "Yes, actually," She glares. "Why would you make out with him?" Kelly asks. "Kelly, calm down," Hannah says. "No! She's making out with the enemy," Kelly argues. "He's your enemy, not mine," She says. "He's bad, Davina," Darbie says softly. "He's my friend," Davina frowns. "Clearly a lot more than that," Kelly scoffs. "I honestly might just kiss him again to spite you," She smiles. "Fine! What do we care?" Kelly storms away.

"Is she always this dramatic?" Davina asks. "She kinda has a point..." Hannah mumbles. "I don't get why it's such a big deal," She chuckles in disbelief. "He's a bad person," Darbie says. "That's irrelevant," She shakes her heads "What happened to you? Grandma Q said you use to be somewhat careful around him," Hannah asks. "I died and stopped caring," She shrugs. "We thought you could help," Darbie sighs. "Well, she can't, she should've just stayed dead!" Becky buts in making them all gasp. "Too far," Darbie stands up looking at a hurt Davina.


"She didn't mean it," Gina says, putting the music sheets in a neat pile. "Meant it or not she still said it," Davina bites her nails. "You two should just talk it over tomorrow," She suggests. "No. You'd think she'd have matured by now!" She hits her knee in frustration. "She had she just has her moments," Gina sighs. "Like sending people away for 50 years?" Davina Smirks. "That was an accident," Gina defends. "Whatever."

"I'm heading out," Davina stands up. "Where to?" Gina asks. "Just out," She stands up. "Thanks for the conversation or yeah," She begins to walk out the front door.


"So she straight up told you to die?" Chuck asks in disbelief. "Well, not exactly. She said I should've stayed dead," She corrects. "That's horrible," He comforts, putting a hand on her back. "It wouldn't have hurt so much if she didn't know what death was like," Davina takes a sip of her banana milkshake. "You're better off without them. I'm here for you," He manipulates. "Thank you," She smiles leaning back into the diner seat.

"What are you gonna do now?" He asks. "Lock her in time," She jokes, her face serious. Chuck stares at her blankly. "Too soon?" She asks. "No, I just thought you were being serious," He chuckles. "Oh right."

"How do you feel?" Chuck questions. "Full," She pushes the plate away making him laugh. "No, I mean about being back," He nods. "Oh, right, honestly, scared," She sighs. "how so?" "Well, everyone changed and moved on but I'm still in the 60s alone," She looks over to him. "I get that," He smiles.

"Davina?" A girl asks walking up to their table. "Who?" She gulps. "Sorry, you look just like a girl I knew when I was younger," The waitress apologised. "I bet I do," Davina looks over to Chuck grinning.

"Well, that was... Awkward?" Chuck laughs as she walks away. "I never even thought of anyone spotting us," She Furrows her eyebrows. "Imagine Willy saw us," He continues to laugh. "Don't jinx it," She begs. "Mm, I'll try,"


"Thank you for making this somewhat horrible day not so bad," She smiles. "I feel you've said that before," He tilts his head. "Me too." "So where are you gonna go?" He asks. "Maybe my house? What about you?" She asks. "It's a secret," He says, scratching the back of his head. "You can come over whenever you want, you know," Davina sooths. "Oh yeah? expect to see me at 3am," He chuckles, zipping up his jacket.
"I'll hold you to it."


"What the hell?" Davina mumbles to herself as a light taps in the corner of her room. "Miss me?" A whisper asks. "Chuck? What the hell?" She gasps. "It's 3 am," He says. "I didn't think you were serious," She sits up making space for him to sit down. "Your room hasn't changed a bit," He sits beside her. "I was surprised too," She looks around.

"Do you miss the 60s?" Davina asks. "Meh, I guess," He shrugs. "Wait, I got you something earlier but forgot to give it to you," She pulls a little Judy out of her bedside drawer. "D, you are my favourite person ever," He eats the little Judy. "I'm not- okay, fine, I am," She laughs.

"I should go now," He looks at the clock it showing 3:23 am. "Oh, right, well, ill see you soon," She smiles as he approaches the window. "You don't have to go out the window-" She cuts herself off as he climbs out her second story window.


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