The Past

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I don't own Twilight or any Twilight characters.

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"Bella," my mom , Renee, called. "Please go hunt with your brother. You can't play music or read books all day."

"Please Mom. I just got to a good part in this book," I called back down to her from my room.

"No. You can read it later. You both need to hunt if we're going to take you two into town tomorrow."

"Yes ma'am."

I got up from my bed and ran down the stairs as fast as I could. When I got outside I was met with the site of Lucas, my brother, pacing, waiting for me. We were twins with the same brown hair and eyes. Our eyes would get lighter if we hunted. We hunted animals because that's what our father, Charlie, hunted. He valued human life to much to end it just to sustain himself. 

So when he met our mother he was able to actually get to know her. When she got pregnant with us, our parents didn't know what to think. They were already married and it had been decided that our mother would be changed but her getting pregnant disrupted that. The child birth took such a tole on her that Charlie had to bite her to save her life.

So now we live in the middle of nowhere to allow me and my brother to gain some control. We were half human so we could eat human food but we preferred blood. Human food was just plain nasty. Our vampire side allowed us to run extremely fast, drink blood, have amazing eye site, and look inhumanly beautiful. Our human side allows us to eat regular food and instead of sparkling in the sun we shimmer.

"Tag!" My brother tapped me on my shoulder before running away.

"You never win and you know it!" I chased after him.

After playing tag in the woods for a while we began to hunt. I killed a mountain lion and two deer while my brother killed a grizzly. Soon though I smelled smoke. It smelled sickly sweet and I began to become worried.

"Lucas, let's head back and check Mom and Dad. I'm worried about that smoke smell."

"I am too. Let's go. We've hunted enough."

We began to run back to our house but the smoke smell only got thicker. When we arrived we were terrified but what we saw. There was a group of vampires dressed in dark gray capes and our mother was on the ground begging them and crying.

Reality hit Lucas and me like a ton of bricks. Our father was in the fire burning. He was dead and our mother was about to be killed as well.

A girl that looked to be the age of 14 through back her head and laughed. "This is what happens when you defy the Volturi. Now tell us where the immortal children are and we'll give you a quick death."

"They aren't immortal children," our mother sobbed. "They're half breeds. Half vampire and half human."

There is no such thing," the little girl said, "and because you have lied to us you will die."

With that she motioned with her fingers and two male vampires stepped forward.

"Felix, Demitri, dispose of this retch."

At that the young girl turned away and the two men walked towards our mom. They ripped her head off and through her in the fire before she could even scream.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks and before I could give away that we were present Lucas tugged me away. We began to run and run and run before the Volturi could get us. During this time I made a vow to myself that I would never let the Volturi near Lucas or anyone else I would ever love.

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