New Town, New People, New Vampires

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"Lucas! Bella! Come on we have to get to our new school." Kylie was getting impatient.

Kylie is my brother's mate. We ran into her while we were hunting in Mexico. We had decided to try to live a normal life but to do that we would have to move around. When we met, her and Lucas really hit it off so she decided to stay with us. They got married a couple of years later.

Lucas and I ran down the stairs, grabbed our stuff for school, and hopped in our car with Kylie. The car was a white Chevrolet Camaro with two high-performance V8 engines. It was my baby and I loved it so much. Both Lucas and Kylie had their own cars but mine was the least conspicuous.

I loved the speed my car offered me so of course I was driving over 80 mph when we pulled into the school parking lot. My brother's gift insured that we never got caught. His power had everything to do with the mind. He could move objects, speak to someone, and read their mind all without lifting a finger.

When we found a parking spot and stepped out I wasn't surprised that everyone looked at us. Rumors began to fly the moment we stepped out of the car. They seemed focused around the fact that my brother had his arm around Kylie and how alike him and I looked.

"Do y'all remember the back story?" I looked at my brother with a 'Duh' look on my face. He acted like we didn't have perfect memory.

"Yes, we do. Kylie's parents and our parents own a business together. They're thinking of creating a location here for one of their stores to try out new products. They sent us ahead to see if we wouldn't mind living here." I stated with a bored voice.


"Can we go now? I want to get this nightmare over with as soon as possible." I said in the same tone as before.

"Yes, we can."

We walked to the entrance of the building and were immediately assaulted with smell of blood and the gossip that began to circulate. We walked to the office, me with my head down and Lucas's arm slung over Kylie's shoulders.

When we walked into the office the receptionist's mouth gaped open. I cleared my throat and asked for our schedules. She gave them to us without a word.

 As soon as we walked out I momentarily lifted my personal shield and thought to my brother Well that was rude. He transmitted my thought to Kylie who looked at me and suddenly the three of us burst into laughter. That was until our eyes met gold ones. I instinctively strengthened my mental shield and hissed at the five vampires standing before us.

My brother shot me a warning glance and with a single look at the vampires put his arm around Kylie's shoulders. He grabbed my wrist and we walked off with a horrible feeling churning in my stomach.


So, how does this relate to this chapter? I don't know. I felt the strong urge to add this song though. Maybe it will help someone out there who is going through a hardship. 

Peace - 


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