'i know its not much, but...' - Andy Barber x reader

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Warnings: fluffy floof as always
Summary: Andy has an early Christmas present for you
Word Count: 873
Pairing: Andy Barber x Reader


You couldn't help but smile as you brought your mug of hot chocolate up to your lips to take a sip. The Christmas lights flickered on the tree as snow fell outside your Boston home, making it a true white Christmas, like you always wished it would. You glance round the decorated living room of the house you share with your boyfriend Andy. Smiling to yourself as 'Muppet's Christmas Carol' played on the TV, you pull your fluffy blanket that Andy bought you for your birthday over your lap a little more, feeling cosy as you relaxed and watched your favourite puppet character's in your favourite Christmas film.

"Look's like we will be having that white Christmas you had hoped for after all..." Andy says as he walks over with a plate of freshly baked sugar cookies and his own mug of hot chocolate, placing a kiss to your head before setting the plate and his mug on the coffee table. As he sits down he reaches under the couch where he has stashed one of your presents which he knew that he would give to you on Christmas Eve and not on Christmas Day, just a little something to get the excitement of the main day started before you head up to bed together.

When he sits back with the small gift bag in his hand, looking at you expectantly, you pull your attention away from the TV to him, smiling shyly and setting your hot chocolate on the coffee table next to his.

"It's not Christmas until tomorrow Mr Barber..." You mumble and smiles at him lovingly, shaking your head and biting your lip, secretly excited to open a present early.

"Technically it is in 5 minutes...so humour me woman..." He says and chuckles, holding the small gift bag out for you to take. You shake your head, rolling your eyes at him cheekily before smiling and plucking the gift bag from his hand. "Plus I wanted you to have this gift early..." He mumbles, biting his lip nervously.

Christmas since losing Jacob to the car accident and Laurie to the divorce she forced Andy to go through with as she couldn't cope any longer being with him and everything that had happened to their family unit, had been tough for Andy, he didn't have anyone to spend it with after his family fell to pieces so became a bit of a Scrooge. That is until you came along, you brought Andy love and warmth into his life again, something that he had to get used to experiencing again after going without it for so long. Over the last few years you have made Andy love Christmas again, considering that you absolutely adore the holiday, Andy had no choice but to fall in love with it again himself.

You open the bag from Andy, pulling out the long velvet box, stroking your hand along it for a moment before opening the lid. In the box sat the most beautiful, elegant diamond necklace you have ever seen. You knew that it must have cost Andy a fortune, but the loving look he had in his eyes as he watched you open his gift to you made you tear up at how thoughtful the gift was in itself.

"Andy...its beautiful..." You whisper and look up at him, smiling gently before leaning up to kiss him slowly. Only pulling away when you need some air, blushing slightly and holding onto Andy's arm. "Help me put it on?" You ask and hold the box out for him to take the necklace.

He can't help but grin before he lifts the necklace from the cushion it was laying on, carefully draping it round your neck, clasping it at the nape of your neck before pressing a kiss to your skin just above it. "It looks beautiful on you..." He whispers and pulls you closer to him.

You blush and smile before glancing at the clock then up at Andy, kissing his cheek lightly. "It's gone midnight, Merry Christmas Andy..." You say and cuddle into him.

A kiss is dropped onto your head as you cuddle into the warmth of your boyfriend and he smiles to himself, not caring how late it is as you could go to bed whenever as you don't have children to worry about waking you up (yet, Andy hopes that one day you two will have children together...that's for another time though.) "Merry Christmas beautiful" He whispers and holds you closer as you both turn your attention back to the film playing on the TV.

Andy smiled to himself lightly as he looked down at you with eyes filled with love, you were so pleased to receive the necklace as a present, he was now just hoping that you would love the ring he was going to propose to you with once you have sat down for your Christmas dinner for two. Andy was going to make this a Christmas to remember and he couldn't stop smiling at the thoughts of you being his wife and having a family with him as the snow continued to fall into the early hours of Christmas Day morning.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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