Chapter 17

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Month later
It was the day before thanksgiving I was helping Liz cook in the kitchen. Luke was better now. I started making pumpkin pies. I rolled the dough for the crust laying it in a pie pan. Luke sat at the island watching us. "I forgot cranberries" Liz says "I can go get some" I say "no I'll go" Liz says walking to the door putting on her shoes and coat. The weather was getting chilly she walked outside as I kept making pies I put the crust in the oven setting a timer luke started digging though the cabinets looking for food I jumped up on the island counter sitting watching him "babe you hungry" luke says looking over his shoulder grabbing a cookie "no I'm good thanks" I say he ate his cookie then walk over to me I wrapped my legs and arms around him I smile looking up at him he kisses me as I kiss back the kiss turned into a make out Luke's arms were under my butt pickings me up my arms around his neck softly. I pulled away resting my forehead on his and smiled at him as he kissed me again before putting me back on the counter I giggle as he stood in front of me holding my hands "I love you" he whispers "I love you too" I smile the moment was ruined by the timer for the pies I jump down grabbing the hot crust out of the oven placing it on top of the stove I started rolling the dough for the next pie placing it in the pan then putting it in the oven Liz walked in with a bag she took of her shoes and coat "everything going okay?" She asks "perfect" I say and smile at her I filled the pies with pumpkin then put them in the fridge "where is dinner tomorrow" I ask "Luke's brother jacks house" Liz smiles "okay what time are we leaving" I ask "umm around 1:00 it's about an hour drive" Liz says "okay thanks" I walk up to my room picking out an outfit for tomorrow luke sat on my bed playing a game or something on his phone I pulled out a maroon dress the was mid sleeve and a little shorter then the knee I then pull out a pair of nude color tights with black flats "does this look okay" I ask holding the dress to luke "yeah perfect babe" he says his eyes not leaving his phone "luke you didn't even look at it" I say his eyes move up to the dress quickly "it looks wonderful baby" he smile i laugh at him I sit next to him i played with his hair "luke can I do your makeup" I ask "no" luke says "please love it will come off" I beg making a pouty face "fine" luke says "really!" I get up grabbing my makeup bag I sat on my bed across from luke I pull out all my makeup putting it in a pile then grabbing foundation putting a little in my hand rubbing It on Luke's face softly "this stuff is uncomfortable" luke says and laughs a little "it will be okay" I laugh grabbing powder foundation then putting some on the brush then running it over his face "why do girls do this" luke asks looking at his skin in my mirror i just laugh turning his head so he faces me I grab eyeliner "don't move" I say and smile I get closer to luke putting eyeliner on the top of he eyelid I moved to the other eye "luke stop moving your eye" I say a giggle "babe you are drawing on my eye it's hard not to move" he laughs "girls do this everyday" I say as I start the line on top of his eye I moved the pencil across his eyelid I put the eyeliner down grabbing mascara putting it on his eyelashes. "You look perfect" I say and giggle I quickly grab my phone taking a picture luke made a kissey face and a peace sign I laugh "want me to take it off" I ask "please it's really itchy" luke says as I grab makeup remover I grab a wipe wiping it on his face removing the makeup. The make off was off "I should go shower" I say "yeah you smell" luke says and laughs "wow thanks luke" I laugh kissing him softly "no problem babe" he say laughing I walk into the bathroom shutting the door I removed my clothes getting in the shower I put my hair under the warm water putting shampoo and conditioner in it I wash my body. Then Rinsing the soap out if my hair. I dried off my body wrapping a towel around my hair I slid on shorts and a shirt wiping off the rest of my makeup I brush though my hair them blow dry It. I walk out to see Luke passed out on my bed I smile as I lay next to him closing my eyes falling asleep.
Next morning
I woke up to luke playing with my hair I smile at him as he kissed my lips softly I smile At him "happy thanksgiving love" I say "happy thanksgiving" luke laughs a little I roll out of bed "I better start getting ready" I say to luke he sat up in my bed as I sat at my makeup table I plugged in my curler waiting for it to heat up "luke" Liz yelled from the down the stairs "I'll be back babe" luke says walking out of my room I parted my hair as I grabbed the curler curling it in my hair then taking it out for beach waves I turned on my music as I curled my hair luke walked back in "what did you have to do" I ask "i had to move the couch because my mum lost a ring or something" luke says "oh did she find it" I ask "yeah" luke says he lays down in my bed throwing up a pillow up and catching it I was almost done curling my hair "are you nervous" luke asks "about meeting your family" I ask "yeah" he says "kinda what if the don't like me" I say "babe they will love you" luke says I turn off my curler pulling out my makeup I softly put foundation on my face I look at luke thought the mirror he was taking selfies on my phone "really luke" I laugh grabbing eyeliner "you will now remember me forever" luke says "i would remember you forever no matter what" I say now putting on mascara "good" luke say I get up and check my phone seeing that we are leaving in a half and hour "luke I need to change" I say "soo change" luke says "luke" I say "becca it's fine" luke says "fine" I grab my dress laying it on my bed I pull down my short and took of my shirt I could feel luke watch I quickly pull my dress over my body I sat on the bed putting on the tights I pulled them up then looked at luke "see it wasn't bad" luke giggle "yeah I guess" I say luke stood up hugging me I look up at him as he kisses me softly "I love you" he say "I love you too" I kiss him again "I should go get ready" luke says I let go of the the hug he walks out I put on my shoes walking down stairs to help Liz. "Hi Liz" I say "hi becca" Liz says turning around "ohh you look very cute" Liz says "Thanks Liz" I say and smile "need help" I walk over grabbing food out of her hand "they need to go to the car" Liz said I walk out to the car placing the food in the backseat I shut the door of the car waking inside Liz was putting on her coat and shoes as luke walked down the stair he had on a nice dress top with dark jeans i walk over the him "damn babe you look hot" I whisper to him and do a big wink he laughs "thanks darling" he says kissing my cheek "you two ready" Liz asks "yeah" luke says I smile walking over the door I held the door open for Liz an luke I them shut the door after they walked out luke walked to the car next to me I started to get really nervous. What if they don't like me? I hope this won't be awkward. I say to myself sitting in the car luke sat up front Liz started driving. I sat in the back seat texting my mom.
After an hour we pulled into a drive way of a nice house. Luke was the first to get out. I open my door getting out walking to the other side. I grabbed food and waited for Liz and luke to led the way luke waited and walked next to me we got to the door as Liz walked in first then luke then me a few people sat on the couch "hi mary" Liz said hugging her (I don't know any of Luke's aunt or uncles name I tried looking it up but I couldn't find any) "hey aunt Mary" luke says hugging her "you are getting so big" she say luke smiles "who is this young lady" she asks "that's my girlfriend becca" luke says "hi" I say she pulls me into a hug "she a cutie luke better treat her will" she say "I would never hurt her" luke says pulling me into his side I smile as luke introduced me too his brothers "hey jack" luke says "hey luke you doing well" jack asks "yeah are you" luke asks "I'm doing fine" jack says luke hand grabbed mine "this is my girlfriend becca" luke says "it's nice to meet you becca I'm jack" he say "nice to meet you too" I smile "hey luke" I heard a voice from behind us "hey ben" luke say "who is this" Ben smiles "this is becca" luke says "are you dating" Ben asks "yeah" luke says "you got a pretty girl luke" Ben smiles at me as I blush a little "a very pretty girl" luke says looking at me "I should go see grandma and grandpa" luke says turning around walking into the kitchen "oh my luke" I pretty sure his grandma said "hi grandma" luke said hugging her "is this your girlfriend? Your mum was telling me all about her about how sweet she is. Oh she is so cute" she says "this is becca" Luke says her grandma pulled me into a hug I hug back "dinner is almost ready" his grandma says I look at luke as he looks at me I smile as he pulls me close to him there was a lot of people there I didn't talk to half of them. It wasn't as awkward as I planned it to be I sat next to luke and jack at the table. Liz and his grandma brought food out to the table luke was talking to someone about school. "Becca how are you" jack says "I'm good thanks how are you" I ask "I'm good where are you from" jack asks "I'm from a small town in the USA" I say "why are you out here?" he asks "I'm the foreign exchange student I staying at your moms" I say "that's really cool do you like it out here" jacks says "yeah truthfully I don't want to go back" I say "I wouldn't either" he say as we were about to pray we all held hands as luke grandma says grace when she sat down we made are plates jack and I jumped right back into are conversation "it's really nice out here" I say "it really is how old are you becca" jack says "I'm 16 I'll be 17 soon" I say "so your a junior" he asks "yeah" i say "I remember my junior year" jack says "did you like it" I ask "it wasn't bad" he say as Luke's grandma was talking to Liz who sat right across from us jack nudge my arm lightly making me listen to his grandmas and Liz's conversation "yeah she is such a cute girl" his grandma says i look at jack a just smile and laugh a little "she really likes you" jack said "I was hoping she would" I laugh a little I felt Luke's hand on my thigh I turn to him "you doing alright" luke asks rubbing my thigh "yeah" I say I smile at him.
We soon finished eating I helped his grandma put food away. "Time for bingo" a person says we all sat in the same spots we ate at i grabbed a card from the pile luke and I shared markers Lukes grandma says the numbers "becca you have a bingo" luke says quietly "I know just don't say anything" I say I didn't want to take her money "becca has a bingo"luke says I look at him hitting his thigh "what are your numbers becca" his grandma says "b4 b11 b8 b0 b1 b3" I say "that's a bingo" his grandma says handing me an 20 dollar bill "thank you" i say we put the game away i walk over to Luke's grandma "you can have this back" I say handing her the money "no keep it" she say "no no it's fine" I say trying to hand her the money. "Becca keep it" she say I wasn't going to argue "thank you" I say I sat on the couch next to luke he was talking to someone he put his arm around my waist more people came in the family room everyone seemed to have there own conversation going I was talking to luke "told you they would like you" luke laughs "you were right" I said and laugh "I'm always right" luke says "yeah okay" I say sarcastically "you know I'm alway right" luke laughs "okay lucas" I say "my name is not Lucas" he laughs "I think it's cute" I say an laugh "and I think your cute" luke says I blush a little. "Are you ready to get going" Liz said "yeah" luke says we get up saying bye to everyone he hugged him grandma "you have a good girl luke" his grandma says "yes I do" luke let go of the hug as she hugged me "come by anytime your alway welcome" she says "thank you" I say we said bye to his brothers and the rest of his family. Luke and I walked out to the car waiting for Liz we stood by the car "I had fun" I say "good I'm glad they like you" luke says I smile at him Liz came out unlocking the car I sat in the backseat of the car Liz started to drive it was late and I was really tired. I feel asleep next to the window.
Luke's POV
I sat in the front seat looking out the window "is she asleep" my mum asks I turn my head looking in the back "yeah" I say "grandma really liked her" mum said "I'm glad" I say and smile
We pulled into the driveway I decided not to wake becca I carried her bridal style to her room laying her under the blankets she rolled over I started heading to the door "luke" she says in her tired voice "yeah love" I ask turning to face her "please stay" she say "okay" I walk back to her bed laying her in my arms I held her. Her face was in my shirt and her legs were tangled with mine I kissed the top of her head as I felt my eyes close.

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