Chapter 26

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It was early the next morning when I woke up. I look at luke seeing he was still sound asleep in his bed. I move his hand from around my waist and slide out of his bed. My body was sore I walked to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I step into the shower turning on the hot water singing no control as I rinsed soap though my hair. I washed my body before getting out. I wrapped a towel in my hair and dried off my body i walked out to my room finding myself clean panties and a bra to put on. I then walk to my closet putting on blue skinny jeans and a light pink sweater. I took my towels back to my bathroom hanging them up I brushed through my hair and braided it to the side. I put on my makeup humming to myself. My bedroom door opened I knew it would be luke because we were the only ones home "good morning baby" he said coming up standing behind me wrapping his arms around me "good morning" I say as he kisses my cheek he was just in boxers "you have a gig tonight right" I say turning around facing him "yeah" he says he leans down kissing my lips softly "you feeling alright" he asks "yeah just a little sore I'll be okay" I say "I love you" he say "I love you too" I kiss him "I'll go make breakfast" I say "Okay love" he says we walked down the stairs into the kitchen luke jumped up on the counter top as I grabbed a pan "what do you want" I ask "eggs?" Luke ask "sure" I say" luke phone starts ringing he looks over at it "hi mum" "okay" "yeah it's fine bye" luke says "she won't be home till late tonight" he says "okay" I say "you coming to our gig tonight right?" Luke ask "I wouldn't miss it" I say scrambling the eggs "do you want toast" I ask "yeah since your weird ass doesn't like bacon" he says and laughs "it's just so nasty" I say and laugh at him "you're nasty" luke jokes "yeah okay" I laugh I put the eggs on a plate and buttered the toast and moving them over to the table. I sat a cross from luke my phone vibrate as I looked at it "party at cals tonight after the gig" I say to luke "do you wanna go?" He asks "i don't care its up to you" I say "lets go" he says and smiles. We finished eating i put are plates in the sink "babe I'm gonna go shower" luke says kissing my cheek "good because you smell" I say and laugh "love you too becca" he says and laughs as he left to take his shower. I walked over to the couch sitting checking Twitter we went back to school in a few days. Which sucks. I heard the door open as I turn around "hey jess" I say and smile "hey love" she says walking over to me and taking a sit. "What's up" she says "nothing much just been hanging around you" I ask we got lost in our conversation "hey jess" luke says we both jump a little not seeing him "hey Lucas" she says "my name isn't Lucas" luke laughs "babe will you do my hair" luke says "sure" I say and smile "where calum" I say "at his house getting ready for tonight" she says luke sat in front of me as I did his hair "ohh" I say and laugh a little. "So what did you two do last night?" Jessi asks as she looks at luke and I "umm we watched a few movies" I say "ohh that sounds like fun" she says "we should head to the gig" luke says checking his phone I stood up then grabbed Luke's hand pulling him up he laughs as I use all my strength to pull him. "What a cute couple" Jessi says and smiles "thanks jess" I say and laugh as luke stood up. We walked to the door sliding on our shoes. "Ready?" I say "ready" luke says he grabs the keys from the counter and walked out as Jessi and I follow. We got in the car and buckled our seat belts. I turned on the radio quietly as we drove down the road. Luke's hand intertwined with mine I smiled as I looked at him. We pulled into a parking lot as we looked for the rest of the boys cars. "There's ash and dani" Jessi says pointing to them. Luke parked next to ash as we all got out. "Where's Michael and calum do you know" Ashton asks "should be here soon" luke says. "Are you going tonight" Jessi asks "yeah" dani says. Calum, Michael and Brandi pull up next to us getting out. "Hey guys" luke says "hi!" Brandi says. We walk inside as the boys went to get ready to preform as us girls sat around waiting. The place became packed as other performers were going to preform. The boys were next to go on as the girls and I stood by the stage as they were walking on. They introduced themselves and started to preform. They were amazing. The girls and I danced and sang along to the songs they sang. The boys thanked everyone and walked off the stage. I went to go find luke as the rest of the other girls went to go find the other boys. They were in a hallway talking as they saw us. We walked over to our boys lukes arm went around my waist pulling me close to him "you did amazing babe" I say and look up at him he leans in to kiss me as I turn my head "no you smell" I say and laugh "shut up and kiss me" he says as I kiss him. "Ready to go to my place" calum says "yeah" Michael says. We walk to the door squeezing through people to get out of the building. Lukes hand didn't leave mine as we made it outside. "Jess you riding with us or cal" luke says "I think cal" she says "okay" luke says. Luke and I got in his car waiting for the rest of the boys to pull out. We follow ash as he drove. I rested my hand on lukes thigh. He looks at me "hey eyes on the road" I say and laugh "how can I" luke laughs. We pulled into cals drive as we got out quite a bit of people were there. We walk inside seeing a lot of people drinking. Luke had a beer as he sat next to me on the couch. He went though a lot of drinks. His arm was around me. Luke was really drunk so cal ask if we all just wanted to stay at his place. The party died down. It was just our group. We sat around laughing and telling story's "hey guy guess what" luke says he was so out of it. "What bud" calum say "becca and I had sex last night" luke says and smiled "LUKE" I yell "BECCA YOU LIAR" jessi say my face turned bright red "get it man" Michael says Patting lukes back. Everyone kinda laughed it off. We should go to bed it getting late" dani says "yeah we should" Brandi says. We all get up as I lead luke to a guest room. I laid him down under the blanket then climbed in next to him I slide off my jeans laying them on the floor next to the bed. I curl up next to luke as I kiss him softly. Soon after I fall asleep.

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