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Well I had that feeling when it felt the strongest. My world come crashing down. The date was October 12,2014.
I went in for a check up for my Liver.
Oh I forgot to tell you about why I have to have a Check up for my liver. (When I was born I had liver disease. I lived in the hospital intill I was 7 because there finally find a match for a new liver. I got a liver transplant when a few hours later. And every since then I have had check ups for it. I had made a few friends from Liver support group. I met my best friend lee there. He in the hospital right now waiting for a new liver.) I think I told you too much of my life story. so back to my Check up. Johnathen so your blood tests come back. And it shows that your liver is failing. we All ready put you back on the liver transplant list. We have to do some test here and then I have to ask your mom about something.
There had me pee in 3 cups for 3 different tests. Then there took 5 tubes of blood. Ok Johnathen. Can you please wait here while I talk to your mother about something.
Mrs.Ross. I want to talk to you about emett Johnathen into a hospital soon and fast because he will need a round the clock care soon. I mean do you want to emart Johnathen soon because we have a room ready for him at Ocean Park Hospital Now. Oh god I mean this is all happening so fast. can you give me a minute while I call my husband. ok I go talk to Johnathen while you talk to your husband. Hey Johnathen. yes Doc. Do you have any questions about anything. No it just a huge shock to me about everything.
Um Doctor I have an answer. Thank you Mrs. Ross. Yes we would like too.
Yes we would like to what mom. We agree to send you to a hospital now not when you need it Sweetie. Mom really but why honey it a huge shock to all of us. But why are you shipping me off. Honey don't ask again. We are going home to pack and tomorrow you are going to Ocean Park Hospital. Now thank you Doctor. Now Move it Mr.
Honey are you done packing now. Yes mom. Now go to bed and sleep.............. Sweetie wake up it time to go. we need to get to the car. it's a 1 1/2 hours dive.
I put in my ear plugs and listen to Green Day the whole time. I am so mad at my parents for sending me to live at the hospital so soon and my Fucking liver. Sweetie come on we are here get out of the car please. Now. Ok mom.
Hello I am Nurse Daivd. You must be John. It's Johnathen. Oh I am so sorry I show you your room so you can unpack. you have a room mate who here for the same thing. You are in Room number 486. Your room mate is mostly going to be in the room. Ok nurse Daivd. Please wait here. lee you are getting a room mate. Oh really that's cool. he's outside I get him. Johnathen come in. Lee. Man. Oh my god Johnathen what are you doing here. Oh I see you know each other I go now. Yea Lee my Liver fuck up so I am back on the list. Oh that sucks dude. Well it's nice to have my best bud back. I got a girlfriend now Johnathen. Oh really that's amazing. I love to meet her soon.
Liberty POV
I went for my daily walk. When I turn to go Lee's room I saw a really cute boy. He had black hair pale but was somewhat tan too. Hey Lee can I ask you something. Hey Libby. This is my best bud Johnathen. We know each other for a while and he is my new roommate. Hi Johnathen my name is Liberty. Well hello Liberty. it's Nice to meet you. Johnathen Liberty is a Singer. Oh really Lee. I loved to hear you sing one day. Well if you don't mind I have to ask Lee something.
Go ahead Little Lady. Lee can you record a new video for me please. Sure but only if you let Jonny boy here hear you sing. I guess that is all right bonly when you record the video and Jonny Boy here have to pick the song. Then he can here me sing. well I have to go bye Lee bye Johnathen. Bye Libby. Bye Liberty nice meeting you. as I turn the corner I heard Johnathen. Well Lee that is one sassy girl and cute. That made me smile.
Hi guys I know that took so long but it's summer yay. Hope you like this chapter

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