Talk by the River

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Jacks POV:

Oh god... My head hurts. That's the first thing I comprehended when I woke up. I might have a fucking concussion. What even happened? How long have I been out? I remember me and Dave were out having fun, then I went outside... and I can't remember anything else. I haven't even opened my eyes yet, and I'm afraid to move in case something might be broken. I feel some sharp pains in my chest.

"Hhrg..." I groan, opening my eyes slightly. I was looking up at a beautiful night sky. That's... odd. I feel like I'm not near the city anymore. That becomes more evident when I realize I'm laying on the soft grassy ground rather than a concrete floor, and the only sounds I hear are crickets chirping, the rushing of a river nearby, and... sirens in the distance? That's probably not good. I try to sit up to look around, but it quickly becomes clear how terrible of an idea moving around at all is when the pain in my chest gets worse, and I instinctively let out a hiss of pain through my teeth.

"Heyhey, don't strain yourself, Sportsy." I know that voice. I don't have to see him; I know it's Dave's voice coming from behind me. I feel him gently grab me by my shoulders and carefully help me lay back down.

"That bastard got ya good... but I gottem better. You're safe now, Sportsy."

"Who...? What- Ow-!" I hiss again; even talking was a bit painful to do.

"Ya got the daylights beat outta ya's by some dickweed. He mighta broken ya ribs." I breathe in and out steadily, trying to focus on my breathing and Dave's voice instead of the horrendous state I was in.

"Here." He helped me sit back up slightly in a position that was comfortable enough to stay in, then sat in front of me with his hands cupped. "Water. Drink it."

"...From your hands?"

"Drink, please." He sounded concerned as hell. I literally cannot refuse. Plus, he did say please. I tilt my head slightly, and Dave carefully pours the water into my mouth. It felt weird as shit, but I probably needed it, and he knew it. I sighed after drinking. Yeah, I needed that. Dave looked pretty concerned still... I don't think I've ever seen him this worried before, especially about me.


"Yeah, Sportsy?" He perked up almost immediately when I spoke to him, like when you ask a dog if he wants to go for a walk.

"...Why are we out in the woods?"

"So the fuzz don't see us, Old Sport. They heard that fuckface's screams a mile away, and we had to bolt right when I was finished with 'em." I didn't see it until now due to my eyes still adjusting to the darkness of the night, but I noticed dark red stains along Dave's purple skin and hair. That's when I ALSO saw he wasn't wearing his jacket anymore, and he was very shirtless. Probably threw the blood-soaked clothes in a fire or into the river.

"Couldn't bring ya to the hotel cus o how close it was to the scene. Decided on the woods because it's far away and dark, and there's a river where I can get cleaned up, and where you get some water and rest. Completely foolproof!"

"You do always have the best plans."

"I know I do." We both chuckled, though I tried my best to hold mine back a bit to keep my chest from hurting more. After that though, we sat in silence for a bit as Dave took care of me like I was a handicapped baby or something. I can't say I blame him for being concerned; for any normal person, a broken rib or two could mean serious damage and possibly death. But considering I'm a corpse, I'll at least partially heal in a day or two with no major repercussions besides an irritated chest for a few days. I don't think he knows that though. Or if he does, he doesn't care. Dave broke the semi-awkward quiet after a bit.

"Do you wanna relax in the river? I know it's cold tonight, but it still feels nice. Might help ya get your mind off of your ribs for a bit too." It did sound like a nice idea... but then a thought crossed my mind almost immediately.

"Wouldn't we have to undress for that?"

"Not completely. I'd still have boxers on if that's what your wondering." I felt my face get a little warm still, and I just hoped he didn't notice how nervous I was when I slowly nodded.

"Then... yeah, sure, why the hell not." Dave seemed happy about that. He took his pants off and I tried my best not to even PEEK in that direction while I tried to undress without injuring myself further. I guess it was obvious that I was struggling with that task because Dave almost immediately helped me undress. He even picked me up and sat me down in a shallow part of the rushing river, holding me there in his arms, resting his chin on top of my head. Look, I'm not exactly complaining, but fucking hell was this awkward for me. I was cuddling with my coworker/best friend/crush, almost naked in a river. I sat there in silence for a little while again. I wasn't sure what to say, or if I should say anything. I wanted to enjoy the moment for just a bit. I did have a few thoughts bumping around in my mind though.

"You know I can take care of myself, right? I'm not THAT hurt."

"Oh, I know you're perfectly capable, Sportsy! I'd expect nothin' less from ya."

"Then... why be so careful and what-not with me then? Why not let me do it myself? Hell, why not have ditched me when I got beat in the first place?"

"Because I love you." ...what. He didn't just say that, did he? He must just be teasing me again.

"H-Ha ha, very funny Dave-"

"Sportsy. I mean it." Oh fuck. This is probably the most serious I've ever heard him be about something without him also being angry about it. I'm still knocked out, aren't I? Most definitely... Right? I don't even get a chance to process the thought of it not being my imagination before Dave continues. "I know ya don't love me back. I just wanna be able to love you. Can't do that if ya aren't here, now can I?" I looked back at him, a little stunned, and he gave me the most genuine, not creepy smile I've ever seen him give.

"Dave... Holy shit."

"Are you... okay, Spo-" I cut him off with a kiss. I didn't care if this wasn't real anymore, I wasn't even thinking about it. I'm just glad I have this chance, so I'm taking it. He kisses me back almost immediately, and I can still taste some of the blood he hadn't washed off yet. We held each other in that kiss for a while, neither pulling away. Our arms and legs were wrapped around each other carefully, feeling each other's warmth. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up from it.

Pulling away from the kiss, I stared into Daves's eyes, and he stared into mine as a string of saliva still connected our mouths. Realizing what I just did, I start nervously giggling. Dave smiles warmly at me and puts his forehead against mine. His next words are a soft whisper.


"Y-Yeah Dave?"

"Can I... Make you feel good~?" I feel my entire body get warm just from that.

"R-Right here? Right now!? We haven't even-!" He only slyly smirked at me, the horny bastard... Well, on the bright side... at least I already wasn't capable of walking...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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