The Hotel Room

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Dave's POV

I was finally going to get to sleep and live in the same room as Sportsy! And LEGALLY this time! I can't wait, because I've been gay for him since I first laid eyes on the beautiful orange baby. We went into our room, which was nothing special really. Small room with a bed, some drawers, and a door that led to a small bathroom. Not even any TV! Jack put our two suitcases on the bed, which held our clothes and some weaponry. Because you never know when you need to stab a fucker! We opened the suitcases, to grab a change of pajamas.

"I'm... Gonna change in the bathroom." Sportsy said, moving towards the bathroom door. I feel in a bit of a teasing mood, so I hop over to him with a smirk on my face.  

"Why? Ya shy or something~?"

"I-I- No, I'd just rather not change in front of my fr- coworker..." Ah ah! I've flustered him yet again.
"Aawe are we not friends, Old Sport?" I leaned closer and made a frowny face, Jack just rolled his eyes at me. "Shut the fuck up and let me change." He then shut the bathroom door in my face. Meanie :(

Jacks POV

Damn Dave can really push my buttons sometimes, in both good and bad ways. I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas, a pair of comfy brown shorts, and a plain orange shirt. My clothing choice is very exciting.
"Dave, ya done yet?" I asked before heading back into the room.
"If I walk in there and you're actually naked I swear to God I'm gonna stab you."
"I'm nooooot I promise, Sportsy!"
I sighed and opened the door. Thankfully he was indeed, not naked, and wearing a long light purple shirt that would look like a dress on him if it weren't for the baggy purple and pink plaid pants underneath. Dave looked me up and down for a minute.

"... What?"
"You should wear shorts more often, Sportsy~" Oh god not this stuff again. "And why is that, Dave?"
"It makes you look cute!" I could feel my face get a little warmer, my face was probably light red-orange color by now. "Well, maybe I don't WANT to look cute." Dave just shrugged at me and pushed the suitcases off the bed. Thankfully they were closed before he did so.

He flopped onto the bed and lay down, staring at the ceiling. I could tell he was getting tired again, and we'd only be staying in this shithole for one night, then we'd drive the rest of the way to Vegas.

~~~A time skip, brought to you by a flirty Dave~~~

It's been a few hours, I'm curled up in bed by now, having a good sleep, but then it just had to be interrupted by the sound of yelling. Hooray... I open my eyes to just see the dark hotel room, my eyes slowly adjusting. The yelling stopped, but now the sound was replaced with heavy breathing. I sit up and look at the other side of the bed, the side Dave was sleeping on. He's now sitting up with his head in his hands. Looks like he's the source of the heavy breathing, but I should've already guessed that, honestly.

"D-Dave...?" I guess I accidentally spooked him or something because he yelps and quickly jolts up to look at me. His hair is a fuckin wreck (more than usual, anyway) and is he... Crying...?
"Dave are... Are you ok, man?"
"S-Sportsy I-..."

He takes a moment to calm down before continuing, his breathing back to normal now.
"Y-Yeah! I'm fine!" He wipes the tears away from his eyes. He doesn't think I'm THAT stupid, does he?
"Yes because screaming like you've been springlocked in the middle of the night is proof that you're oh so fine." I say as sarcastically as possible. He lowers his head and looks away from me, like a toddler caught in a lie.

"It's fine, really. This happens all the time..."
"WHAT exactly?" That seems like a stupid question looking back on it because I already knew the answer, I just wanted him to say it himself out loud. He looked back up at me and whispered as if saying it would summon something evil.
"...The nightmares." I figured as much. Dave didn't seem like the person that would have common Night Terrors though, especially not ones that bad.
"What are they about?" I asked. I wanted to know what would make someone like Dave so... So scared. He looked away again, hugging his knees. He really didn't want to talk about it. I sighed.

"Nevermind, then. I'm assuming you aren't going back to sleep anytime soon now, huh?" Dave shook his head. I thought as much. I looked at the clock: it was 6 AM. Only 2 hours away from when we'd be waking up, anyway.
"Well, neither am I. You have your phone, yeah?" Dave nodded, looking a little puzzled.
"Well then let's make fun of people online and do some other stupid shit for the next 2 hours, cool?" Dave smiled, looking in a much better mood now, which also made me smile. We then spent the next 2 hours in that hotel room together, and honestly, it was a pretty good time. It made me happy to see Dave happy again, to just have a chill moment with him for a bit.

I can't wait until we get to Vegas and we can do some more dumb shit together...

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