Fathers Permission

570 10 9

hey guys this will be the final upload for this story. thanks for all the support xoxox lolly ____________________________________________________________________________

It had been three months since dad’s stroke and two months since I had found out about Jakes psychiatric help and my life was pretty much awesome. Little did I know it was going to get better.

It was the start of autumn and me and Jake were in the park surrounded by woodsy smells and colourful leaves. It was quite cold and I hadn’t bought a jacket so Jake gave me his, I remember thinking whoa somebody’s been watching too many films, but took it anyway. then Jake suggested we go home. I sighed but agreed it was quite late. So he gave me his hand and pulled me up.

We got to the edge of the street and I put my hands in the jacket pockets I felt something hard and smooth. Curiously yet nosily I took it out. It was a dark blue velvet covered box. I looked up at Jake questioning him with my eyes. He knelt down. My heart thud crazily and then he said it. “Arabella Pearce, I know I’ve not always been there for you but I want to be there for you, so please do me the greatest honour possible and become my wife.”

Blood rushing to my cheeks I stood there motionless. Coughing awkwardly Jake stood up tried again, “Arabella, will you marry me?”

I knew I wouldn’t be able to speak so instead I hugged him gripping his neck tightly.

Barely audibly I whispered my response.   Obviously happy he swung me around before setting me on my feet and gently kissing me on my bottom lip. I escaped a giggle when Jake kissed me then moved his mouth to my ear and said, “do you want to see your ring?”

“Well obviously” I replied. Jake took the box from my hand and opened it towards me. I blinked in surprise that ring had my favourite jewel encrusted in it, an aquamarine. How could he remember?

He asked me if I liked, he wasn’t far off I told him, knowing I loved it.

“Do I have to put it on myself?”

Of course he said no and then placed the ring on my ring finger. I looked down at it smiling.

“Now the hard part” he said. Furrowing my brows questioningly, Jake answered telling our parents. Uh oh, I thought though I was sure our parents would be fine with it.

Jake seizing the opportunity bobbed down so his face was level with mine then once again pressed his lips to mine for a kiss. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ hey guys if you wonder why the story was so short it's because i am doing an english project and it has to be under 4000 words its not like i wrote close to 6100. anyway i hoped you enjoyed it please vomment or cote to tell me what you thought (ha vommet cote random mixed up words

sorry to anyone who was reading this story i got too depressed to continue writing but i had to give you some ending which was kind of rushed sorry again xx

xoxox lolly

luv yah all

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