episode 2 Black sheep strikes

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Author:Welcome to episode 2 I hope that your enjoying this as much as me and I hope you have a wonderful day or night  //

Morning came as Naofumi wakes up

Naofumi:" not as comfortable but it was still nice "-he  gets ready as he walks out seeing nori infront of his door-" morning nori "

Nori:- turns around as he looks at Naofumi-" morning Naofumi "- he floats  up to get on his head-" did you rest well?"

Naofumi:" yeah I did did you "

Nori:" eh couldn't sleep anyways let's go to that place Myne was talking about "

Naofumi:" alright"- he would then notice something -" oh it looks like it shows that she's in our party now "

Nori:" oh nice she must've turned off her skill "

Naofumi:" indeed let's go check on her "- he starts heading towards Mynes room as he knocks on the door -

Myne:- opens the door as she would be ready smiling-" morning sir Naofumi you ready to start "

Naofumi:" yeah we're ready "

Myne:" alright then let's go "

Naofumi:" right "

- the group would head out traveling towards the village myne was talking about-

Nori:" oh yeah before I forget "- he would grab a piece of himself and pulls it off as he puts it in Naofumis shield-" now yo should be able to use that shield when I'm not around "

Naofumi:" thanks but doesn't that hurt though "

Nori:" nah I regenerate and plus I can't really feel pain unless someone who is stronger than me hits me with something enhanced with mana "( I was worried for a second  but then I remembered I'm still growling unless I make a mouth)

Naofumi:" ah I see makes sense "

Myne: " look up ahead "- he points towards a decently large monster with horns -

Myne: " look up ahead "- he points towards a decently large monster with horns -

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Naofumi:" what is that?"

Nori:" I don't know but it's looking for something too eat "- he gets off of Naofumis shoulder as he starts floating-

Naofumi:" should we fight it "

Nori:" well it looks like we have too since it's heading full speed towards us "

Naofumi:" stone shield!"- his shield would change as he puts his hand on the ground making a decently large wall of stone as the monster would run into it cracking the wall a bit causing Naofumi and Myne to jump back-" it just cracked it like it was nothing "

-The monster  crashes against again breaking through it and it looks at nori as it goes to attack him-

Nori:- dodges the attacks as he would send sharp tendrils but due to them being so small it wouldn't have any effect-( crap alright I'll just distract it)- he kept evading the monsters attacks-

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