Part 14: The Room

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I looked out into the surrounding forest as the sun's light began to dim. There were at least 15 of them if not more surrounding me in a damn circle. They were all wearing the same damn reddish robes that completely covered their lower halves. On the end of several of the robes, the fabric was clearly slightly tattered splitting into a bunch of squares. Probably done on damn purpose considering I'm talking about a cult. They all wore the same necklace too, the thing holding onto a bunch of small bones around their necks.

It was unnerving, just standing there in silence. They didn't make a sound all they did was stare at me their faces covered by the shadows of their hoods. Until suddenly they all simultaneously took a step forward closing in on me stealing precious space. It was fucking creepy.

Yeah, hell no, I'll be doing none of this. I glanced around me looking for the biggest gap between any of the cultists until I spotted it. It wasn't much better than the rest and it was rapidly becoming smaller as they continued taking their creepy little synchronized steps toward me.

I bolted for the gap and as soon as in range with them they all lunged for me gripping my hide with their hands and forcing me still. That's when out of the corner of my eye I saw a larger figure emerge. It was wearing the same damn robes and bone necklace things as the rest of these insane fucks except for a couple of key differences.

For one, this one was wearing a fucking goat skull as a Halloween costume the thing attached to its face. Second, it held what looked like a staff, similarly made guessed its bone. These guys clearly had a thing going on here. And they were going to do whatever cults go to lone stray animals they find to me.

Fuck. The one with the mask slowly walked to me before raising his staff and pointing it at my head. No no no no no. I struggled against the force of mass holding me down but quickly found that overpowering them wasn't going to work. I was like an insect trying to move a brick it wasn't going to happen. So instead I opened my maw and sunk my teeth into the nearest hand I saw.

I expected a sound, a grunt of pain at least. But instead, all I was met with was silence the hand not moving continuing to hold me down as I tore my teeth into it. The staff next to my head began to gather mana around it the purple light swirling around the staff before something shot out and hit me directly in the head.

Instead of pain like I expected, I was met with an overwhelming sense of fatigue. I could feel myself almost immediately begin to succumb to the feeling. My eyelids grew heavy like they were made of steel as they shut. Any attempt to open them was futile. This was more hopeless than breaking free from the cultists' grasp had been.

I couldn't keep awake any longer and slipped into sleep. My safety and life in the hands of a cult. My fate up to their bidding.


I awoke in a poorly lit room. I was on top of some sort of stone slab and upon moving I quickly discovered I had been chained down onto the slabs. I was fastened so tightly I couldn't even manage a wiggle. At most I could move one of my paws fingers or my back leg's toes but that was it. Not like they could move much anyway. There was no way it seemed to be able to break free.

I switched my attention from the chains to the surrounding room, if you could call it that. Despite it being so dark I could see fairly fine which was sort of surprising. I guess you could attribute it to my night vision skill but as far as I remember it had never increased in level. Maybe even though there is so little light that amplifies the effect of night vision? Well either way I could see pretty clearly.

As far as I could tell this was some sort of dug-out cave. Crude-looking wooden posts had been placed all over the walls, ceiling, and even the floor. There were slight gaps all over the place so I could clearly see was appeared to be dirt and ground behind the post. Other than that though, my room was almost eerily empty except for the single candle that had been placed in a far corner.

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