Part 7: The Adventures Quest

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Clyde had watched the thing try to run when it had seen the body. He and his party had taken several quests, all of them located in the Colimar Forest. They had been low of funds for a while and even though most of the quest were a little bit below their level it should get them some good money. The one they were doing right now was to locate and slaughter a group of wolfs. Some old hunter had seen a wolf while in the forest and for some reason wanted it and any of kind gone. Permanently. He had offered some hefty compensation for killing the wolfs so Clyde decided to take it before anyone else did. 

Everything had been going quite smoothly so far other than the fact that they had to higher a tracker of sorts. Clyde's party consisted of Himself a sword user, Zink a rouge, Natalia a young mage, and their tracker a bow and arrow user. For some reason, the tracker wouldn't give his name. Clyde had no idea why but really didn't care. 

The tracker had found the cave pretty quick and they got to work. Natalia began to cast some sort of spell that filled the cave with smoke or fog while the tracker threw several bottles of some flammable liquid into the cave. He then pulled out an arrow and set the tip ablaze. Clyde watched as the cave lit off in flames and heard the painfull whimpers of the now burning wolfs. Zink and Clyde's jobs were simple. If a wolf ran out of the cave they would quickly restrain and kill it. Several wolfs ran out of the cave either on fire or not. Zink pulled out dagger after dagger and began throwing them at the fleeing wolfs with deadly accuracy. Most of the wolfs dropped dead as the daggers pierced their brains but few managed to dodge the daggers or get hit in less vital places. Clyde would finish those wolfs off with quick slashes from his sword. 

"It's strange, their all quite young wolfs and I still haven't seen a single female flee the cave." said the tracker intrigued. 

"Does it matter?" said Clyde uninterested.

"No, not really, I guess," said the tracker dropping the subject. 

One wolf burst out of the flames and began to sprint with impressive speed. Zink already had more than a couple of daggers prepared and began to throw them one after one. The wolf managed to dodge the first couple but one of them managed to get him in the side and another one got him in the back left leg. Despite the wounds, the wolf still ran as fast and before and lunged for Zink's throat. Zink had put his arm up to defend his throat and that got bitten on instead. The Wolf then gruesomely tore off Zink's arm in one hell of a bloody manner

"FUCK AHHH, SHIT CLYDE-ANYBODY GET THIS FUCKER OFF ME!" Zink screamed in intense agony. Natalia began chanting a spell but to slow. The tracker armed himself with an arrow and fired it right into the wolf's side. The wolf took it hard and nearly fell down but managed to balance itself. It then wisely decided this would probably be time to get out of there and started sprinting to the side. 

"Shit! Clyde go fucking kill that thing!" Natalia said in a hurry. 

Clyde started in the direction the wolf had went but something collided into his body knocking him down. "The Hell!" Clyde yelled as he saw what hit him. Another wolf had escaped the flames and without Zink, there had sprinted right past the tracker and Natalia. Clyde knew had to get to that wolf quick and desperately tried to knock the thing off him. When this didn't work he grabbed his sword and pierced the thing behind him. He didn't know where he hit the thing but he definitely hit it. Clyde quickly knocked the thing of his back and saw that the sword had gone through its neck. He saw this as an opportunity and used it to decapitate the thing. After grabbing ahold of its head and slicing with his sword.  

 Then Clyde quickly chased the wolf as it sprinted forward near the lake. He was still holding the other wolfs head and he didn't even realize it. He was slowly gaining on the wolf as the several wounds began to take a toll on it plus the fact that Clyde had a skill that gave him inhuman speed.

When Clyde thought he was close enough he jumped forward and holding the sword with one hand swung it under the wolf's torso. The wolf's bottom right leg went flying and landed rather close to the lake. Clyde hit the ground in an awkward position and nearly knocked himself out because of it. He got up quickly although extremely clumsy as a result of the fall. After almost slipping and falling over again his senses finally returned to him. He quickly took his sword and began to stab the wolf with it over and over. The thing was not cooperating though and was swing its claws everywhere. 

"Fuck!" Clyde winced in pain as he began to gain several slash wounds. 

"Enough!!!" Clyde yelled as sliced open the wolfs stomach finally killing the damn thing. 

He slowly got up and started to walk back to the cave. That had taken a lot out of him but with Zink out of commission, he needed to be over there in case another wold came out. Although he doubted it. If they were still in the flames he was sure they had to be dead by now. 

Clyde had taken a couple of steps back to the cave when he heard something move behind him. 

"Are You Kidding Me, How The Hell is that thing still alive!" he thought. 

He turned around quickly and formed a fighting position only to see a small wolf who was shaking. It was staring at the corpse but looked upward towards his direction before turning around and fleeing. Clyde had no idea why the thing was alone or why it was returning to the cave but the quest was to kill every wolf. Every Last One

Clyde ran in front of it blocking off its exit. He was about to kill it before noticing something. It had long fangs. Unusually long fang's. Like the ones on a snake. 

Clyde wondered, could he have encountered a mutant? 

Chapter 7:end

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