Part 9: New Forest

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Submerged in total darkness I couldn't see a thing. Which felt a little odd. I vaguely remember having a night vision skill. 

[Skill: Night Vision Lv1(possessed)]

Yeah, I did have one. So why can't I see a single thing? I looked around and saw the vague outline of the surrounding wall but that was about it. Is it because of the level? I suppose I wouldn't be able to see in complete darkness despite being born with the skill. Whatever it doesn't matter. 

I need to figure out how to get out of here. I sluggishly got up only to fall back down. that beating was bad dammit. Although I doubt it matters. Even if I could move I can't imagine me being able to climb all the way up there. Even if I could climb all the way up there the stone slab would be impossible for me to move in that position and the position wouldn't even matter because there's no way I could move it normally.

Well climbing my way out of here is a no-go. I felt the ground only to be met with a cold, rough, and hard texture. The floor was made out of stone. I did my best to set my self up on the walls only to find more stone. 

I can't dig my way out either. the hell do I get out of here!? I don't know how thick the wall is but perhaps if I had some sort of stone I could bash it against the wall until it creates a hole wide enough for me to get through and dig my way out. But I don't know how long that would take and I doubt I have the time. 

"Th-There's not a way out...all I can really do is...wait...," I said out loud feeling yet again helpless and defeated. My head hanging down I slowly raised it up in anger. I have no time to be sulking. If I can't I escape I might as well do something with the time. 

I really don't think I'll be able to sleep. So I'll make one of my garbage skills hopefully more useful. I stared at the wall and used analyze. 

Analyze Results:[Stone Wall]


Analyze Results:[Stone Wall]


Analyze Results:[Stone Wall]

And again.

Analyze Results:[Stone Wall]

I continued on like that for what felt like 1-2 hours until finally one of those messages things showed up.

Proficiency met, [Skill: Analyze Lv:1] has leveled to [Skill: Analyze Lv:2]

"Finally!" I yelled in anticipation. I looked at the wall and once more used analyze.

Analyze Results:[Stone Wall: A part of an old water well originally used to gather water now repurposed to hold people or creatures temporarily] 

"Oh wow!" I said excitedly, "That's way different than before!"

So it adds a description. That's great it looks like all that time wasn't wasted. I guess I should start using analyze again. I will probably be in here for an awhile longer anyway. I wonder what exactly they plan to do with me though. I was bought by some shady looking people for sure. And with this muzzle on my mouth, I can't really defend my self with poison. Well...Actually maybe I could dispense it through my claws. I never really confirmed whether I could or not. 

I wondered where to start and how to figure out if I could when I realized I already had the instructions imprinted into me. I lifted my claws into the air and although it was extremely difficult in the dark I could see a drop of poison drip from my claws. Perfect, perhaps I could poison that guy who beat me in the club. In fact that exactly what I'm going to do. I'm pretty sure they don't know my claws are poisonous or they just didn't care enough  disable me that much. 

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