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E P I S O D E  0 4 [√]p a g e  f o u r  :  S O M E T H I N G  R E D

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E P I S O D E  0 4 [√]
p a g e  f o u r  :  S O M E T H I N G  R E D

"here." takemichi perked up, turning around enough to keep his wet hands and dishes in the sink and enough to face his grandmother. "the form." chiyo added.

"oh! you're allowing me to go?" he reluctantly asked, not wanting to sound rude as he kept facing the woman.

"i don't see why not. it's just one week. you'll survive out there. just avoid people who smoke." chiyo brought the brown mug of black coffee to her lips, keeping her eyes on the blond headed boy to let him know that she still has something to say. she spoke as soon as she finished taking a long sip. "and avoid people who keep on leaving you behind. it's not good for your mental health."

she left the kitchen-dining area wordlessly, flopping on the comfy + fluffy black sofa they had sitting at the right side of the living room where the jalousie window's behind the seat. (details) she bought two identical sofas good for two people facing each other in the living room, and the longest one of the same design and color sitting at the side of the living room that is facing the flat screen tv.

the boy was left speechless in the kitchen-dining area. though he merely found himself continuing to wash the dinner dishes in silence, thinking over what the woman said.

avoid those who keep on leaving me behind. he's been feeling left out before. and is still feeling that unhealthy thing until now. he wanted to avoid mikey and the others but he's truly afraid being alone.

unexpectedly, a doorbell snapped out of his thoughts. he finished rinsing the soap and placing the plates in the dish rack to let it dry there. "i'll get it!"

"i'll get it. just dry the plates." chiyo yelled from the living room, although they're just 10 steps away from each other.

he just nodded before taking the freshly rinsed plates and bowls and grabbing a dry clean cloth to wipe the wetness off the used kitchenware. wonder what it is.

"i already paid online ... yes ... oh." chiyo stepped out a little to put her sign on the gadget handed by the delivery guy. "are we done?"

"yes, ma'am! thank you so much and have a nice day!" the delivery man bowed quickly with a smile and went inside his delivery van and drove off.

chiyo closed the gate and walked inside the house, carrying a two rectangular boxes. "are you done?" she approaches the dining table, setting the boxes down.

"o-opo." (y-yes [but in a more polite way]) takemichi stutters, eying the box with a teeny tiny wariness. "ano po yan?" (what is inside it?) he asked politely.

"open it and find out." chiyo says, motioning the boy towards the box. takemichi dusted his hands on his shorts before picking up the box that was on top of the other and placed it in front of him. he made a swift turn to get the cutter from one of the upper drawers and cut the taped opening.

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