MtF trans tommy

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This is something I thought about before I fell asleep tbh

Trans tommy MtF
Short tommy
Abandoned Tommy

Tommy -4
Wilbur -16
Techno -16
Phil -old
Nobody's POV:
Tommy was abandoned by her dad and her two brothers, she wasn't old enough to realize that she was abandoned so she waited, she waited at the door for hours just to be disappointed.

"Whens dadza, techie, and Wilby coming home?..."

As she waited she realized that she had no more food, all the water shut off, the light turned off, she had nothing it was like the house was abandoned with her in it, it's because it was, the rest of her family was having the time of their life not realizing that they left a little "boy" but she really is a girl

*Years later*
Tommy -17
Ranboo -18
Shroud -4
Michael -5
Phil -old
Techno - 29
Wilbur -29

Nobody's POV:
Phil decided it was time to come back to his "home" he suddenly remembered his "son", Phil was walking the path that he remembered playing with techno and wilbur while Tommy stayed inside, Phil slowly came to realize he was not a good dad to tommy, he wanted to apologize to his "son" that he thought was still a baby not realizing how time works.

"I hope Tommy forgives us, I miss my sweet "boy""-phil

Techno and wilbur had a lot of guilt because they left Tommy all alone, when they left they didn't feel sorry but over the years they felt bad, Tommy was just a child.

Tommy was having fun with her family, she loved her husband and her two kids, while they were having fun the door knocked, Ranboo went to check it out.

"I'm gonna get it, have fun with them hun."-ranboo

Tommy smiled as Ranboo gave a soft kiss on her cheek, Ranboo went and opened the door.

Phil's POV:
I knocked on the door and a few seconds later a tall man that is half black and half white with a tuxedo on, his eyes were green and red, he looked like a nice young man but what was he here in my house, where is Tommy??

"Hello sir do you you know a little boy named Tommy that lived here??"-phil

The man looked shocked than annoyed or mad, I don't know why I just want to see my "son" again

"Are you Tommyinnit's father that left her when she was little?"-ranboo

His voice held annoyance and anger, I don't know why he said she and her when Tommy is a boy and not a girl

"Yes I am but Tommy is a boy"-phil
"Tommy is a woman, I'm going to go get her so she can see you, not like she would..."-ranboo

I was shocked, my son is a girl, I could of sworn that Tommy was a boy, I could tell Wilbur and techno was shocked as well, a woman with long blond hair she had some streaks of brown and pink in her hair as well, she had a beautiful baby blue eye, the other eye was black and I could have sworn I saw stars in her eyes, she wore a white dress with black on the bottom it looked like it had Stars like the night sky, she was holding two kids until she gave them to the man, once the woman saw them her face dropped into a frown was this woman my "son".

Nobody's POV:
Tommy heard Ranboo call her name so she went and gave the kids to him, as she looked at the door she saw her father and brothers that abandoned her, he was sad.

"Hello, what are you doing here Phil?..."- Tommy

"T-Tommy?..."- Phil

"Yes I am Tommy, what do you want?"- Tommy

"Well we missed you Tom's so we decided to visit..."- Wilbur

"So you finally decided to visit after 13 years?"- tommy

"Look Tommy we are sorry we just got busy but now we are back so we can be a family again can't we?..."- techno

Tommy decided after a few minutes let them inside because it was to hot outside.

"Why did you suddenly come and visit after you left me for years?"- tommy

"Why can't we just visit you, also why are you a girl I thought you were a boy?"- techno

"I was never a boy I was always a woman in my soul, and you can't change that if you tried."- Tommy

"I don't care if you are trans tommy, I'm happy for you."- Wilbur

"I agree with Wilbur."- techno

"What!? no you are a boy, my son, a child you don't know what trans is supposed to mean!!"- Philza

Tommy grew mad and same with the rest of her family, techno and wilbur we're surprised Phil never was like this when Wilbur came out as bi or when techno came out as a Aromantic (which means you have little to no romantic feelings to people) Phil was fully supportive, why was he not supportive to tommy then?

"Don't talk like that to my mommy!!(son and mother, don't make it weird)- Micheal

"Yeah, don't say that to my mum!!"- shroud

"Don't talk to my wife like that you old man!"- Ranboo

Techno, Wilbur and Phil was shocked because they thought the man was just a friend and the kids were just some random person's, but what do they know about their family

"I-I'm a grandpa?..."- Phil

"No, you are not, you are not my father and you never were, I hate you, you can't be my childrens grandfather, they don't even like you because you are being mean to their mother, how do you think they feel??"- Tommy

"W-wait, were a u-uncle?..."-wilbur and techno

"No you are not my brothers anymore after the day you left"- Tommy

"Now get out you don't belong in here anymore!"- Ranboo

Phil, Wilbur and techno left because they knew Tommy would never be able to forgive them at all no matter how hard she tries.

Hope you like it, sorry I have not been posting a lot but I made this one longer then the others. Have a nice day/night/afternoon bye my children!!

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