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Life as a literature teacher is not easy, dealing with bad writing and hormonal teenagers is not suitable for my kind but I stayed because the paycheck is decent.

I was in the teacher's classroom waiting for the parents of problematic students that needed to be put on the right track before it gotten too late.
I watch the clock ticking, I've been sitting here for 47 minutes reading and sipping my coffee after I finished my coffee and like 15 chapters through the book I decided to leave for today since no parent seems to be coming,actually I doubt these rascals informed them so they better get ready for a surprise mock test tomorrow.

As I was packing up my belongings, I heard a knock on the door
I allowed whoever it is to come in.
Apparently it was a parent, Megumi's parent.

"Heyyy, I'm here as Megumi's guardian although I may not be his biological father which is obvious by my looks and my glowing skin also my pump lips oh and my glorious eyelashes and my waist and just my overall body frame is majes-"

"Can you not!?" Megumi yells at him cutting him off that gave me the chance to talk

"Sir, As long you're an adult and his legal guardian other informations are irrelevant" I answered normally I wouldn't care less for such people but it was too late for me to deal with a grown ass man bragging about his looks.

"OK ok I was just trying make things less awkward for us" He said shrugging while sitting down and putting his feet on the desk"

"Kindly keep your walking limbs of my desk" I explained to him which seemed absurd for he's an adult and should know better.

"Walking limbs?" He laughs hysterically "Is that what you professor call legs right now." He continues laughing between each word.

He's sure getting on my nerves but I kept my calm and proceeded to explain Megumi's issues that are to be addressed.

"Megumi is grades are beyond average plus he's a very polite kid towards his teachers and I think he can make it to a decent college if he stops getting into fights with his peers and hanging around with with delinquents " I explained to the snow haired guy that was seating in front of me with a creepy ass smile.

"They're not my peers they're BULLIES and Yuuji is not a delinquent" Megumi who was sitting next to him corrected in denial.

I sigh adjusting my glasses "Violence is still not an answer kiddo."

"Well that's not the case towards bull-"

"Do not dare talk back to your teacher Fushiguro that's not how I raised you!" He yelled cutting off the kid then his smile faded into a stern look.
"You're just my legal guardian stop with the raising me talk already." Megumi mumbled to himself while still making sure we heard it.

"Sooo...I don't really have to worry about him ?" He asks.
"I mean look at me I'm only 28 can't have myself worrying about him 24/7 like some boomer besides college is not that important nowadays and he can just be a bartender at my bar if he ever get expelled." He carried on babbling and chattering about how Megumi is at home.
"Sir, with all due respect that do not concern me at all as long he's an adult by then and regarding whether Megumi wants to get in college or not I think it's mostly better for you to discuss that in private." I tried hard to not show my annoyance.

"Sensei can I wait outside?" Megumi asked.

"Yes and so can your..." I stopped because I didn't know what is their exact relationship and I didn't bother asking either.

"Uncle." Megumi replied. "Not technically my uncle but that's the closest term to define our relationship." He added.

Ok this doesn't seem fishy at all, a minor that's neglected living with a 28 man, yup doesn't seem like a grooming situation at all!

"You may excuse yourselves, Sir, I'll keep you keep you updated on Megumi's behavior if there's any changes.

Megumi's "uncle" smiled "You might need my contact info for that"

Is he...dumb? "That's not to be worried about, We have the contact of every parent her-"

He laughs cutting me off "Ahhhh but you don't have my new number! The number you have there is lost for 3 months now."

Huh? "May I have your current contact info then?" I suggest with the tiniest amount of patience left in me.

"Sure! Hand me your phone!" He smiles

"What for?" I ask confused.

"To save your number, silly!" He replies appearing confused as well.

I eventually did hand him my phone, he called his number from my number then saved it as "Satoru" but I immediately changed to Megumi's Uncle.

I just knew, I had to keep my eye on this man...might even ask him to show me his hard-drive....

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