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I sat at my desk, typing out a message to Gojo. "Sorry, I don't think I will be able to make it on your birthday due to personal reasons." I hit the send button, expecting a swift response as usual. But as time passed, there was no sign of Gojo opening the message. It was unlike him to not immediately read my texts, and a sense of unease began to settle in.

Today was Gojo's birthday, and I had planned to attend a friend's wedding. I had prepared myself, wearing a neat beige and black suit that accentuated my features. I donned my favorite pair of glasses, feeling confident and looking stunning. But the absence of Gojo's response weighed on my mind, casting a shadow over the day's events.

As I drove to the wedding hall, my thoughts were consumed by Gojo's unusual silence. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. Just as I was about to dismiss my concerns as mere paranoia, my phone rang, startling me. It was Megumi, one of my students, and his panicked voice resonated through the speaker.

"Please, teacher," he pleaded, his voice trembling with fear and worry. "Something's wrong with Gojo. He's not answering my calls, and today is not a pleasant date for him. I'm afraid something bad might happen now that I'm away."

My heart sank as I listened to Megumi's distress. It was clear that Gojo's well-being was at stake, and I couldn't ignore the urgency in Megumi's voice. I pulled over to the side of the road, finding a safe spot to focus on the conversation.

"Take a deep breath, Megumi," I instructed, my voice steady yet filled with concern. "Tell me what happened slowly."

Megumi's words poured out between sobs, and I strained to piece together the puzzle. Gojo's sudden silence, the date of his birthday, and Megumi's fears all intertwined, painting a worrisome picture. I knew I had to act swiftly to ensure Gojo's safety and well-being.

"Send me your address," I said firmly, my mind already racing with plans. "I'll go check on him myself."

After the call ended, I sat in silence for a moment, contemplating the situation. The joyous atmosphere of the wedding hall seemed distant, overshadowed by the weight of responsibility I now carried. I adjusted my glasses, a steely determination settling in my eyes.

I navigated through the bustling city, following the directions provided by Megumi. The urgency of the situation propelled me forward, my focus solely on reaching Gojo as quickly as possible. The thought of him in distress fueled my determination, driving me forward with each passing second.

I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I tried calling Gojo repeatedly, but there was no answer. Each unanswered call only heightened my concern and urgency. The worry in Megumi's voice still echoed in my mind, urging me to act swiftly.

My foot pressed harder on the gas pedal as I accelerated, my focus solely on reaching Gojo as quickly as possible. The city streets blurred in a flurry of motion as I weaved through traffic, my determination pushing me forward. The sense of urgency in my veins fueled my need to find Gojo and ensure his safety.

With each passing second, my mind raced through various scenarios, each more troubling than the last. I couldn't shake off the nagging fear that something had indeed happened to Gojo on his birthday. The thought of him in distress tugged at my heart, intensifying my resolve to find him.

As I navigated the streets, my gaze darted between the road and my phone screen, desperately hoping for a response or any sign of life from Gojo. But the silence remained, and my worry grew with every passing moment. I knew time was of the essence, and I couldn't afford any delays.

The adrenaline coursed through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus. I became one with the flow of traffic, maneuvering with precision and agility. My determination to reach Gojo surpassed any limits I had set for myself, fueling my determination to be there for him in his time of need.

The surroundings became a blur as my car sped through the city, the urgency propelling me forward. Thoughts raced through my mind, each one centered Gojo.

Minutes felt like an eternity as I finally approached the destination. My heart pounded in my chest as I parked the car and rushed towards the entrance. I didn't allow myself a moment's hesitation as I reached for the door, my hand trembling with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

The door swung open, revealing a scene that momentarily took my breath away. Gojo stood there, disheveled and seemingly lost in his own thoughts. Relief washed over me as I realized he was physically unharmed, but the weight of his emotional turmoil was palpable.

His eyes met mine, and I could sense the raw pain hidden beneath his façade of strength.

Without hesitation, without a second thought, I approached him. His trembling voice, filled with a desperate plea, echoed in my ears. "Hold me, please."

In that moment, all boundaries and reservations dissolved. I extended my arms, wrapping them around Gojo, providing a steady anchor in the storm that raged within him.

Time seemed to stand still as we stood there, entwined in each other's arms. I felt the steady rise and fall of his breath, the warmth of his body against mine. It was a moment of silent understanding, a shared language that spoke volumes without the need for words.

As I held him close, I could feel the weight of his sorrow, the vulnerability he had entrusted to me. It was very hard to see him in such state but I was more upset to myself, What if Megumi didn't call me? I thought to myself.
I don't think I would have ever forgiven myself if anything happened to him.

At our worsts ; Nanago [Nanami X Gojo]Where stories live. Discover now