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The room was dark, littered with empty beer cans and scattered ramen cups. It was a reflection of the chaos that swirled within me. I lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling, feeling the weight of the past bearing down on me.

My gaze fixed on the calendar that hung on the wall across from me. The days were marked in neat rows, a visual representation of the passage of time. As my eyes landed on a certain date my heart throbbed.

Unclear memories haunted me, snippets of a face that remained forever blurred, like trying to grasp onto a fleeting dream. I couldn't shake the feeling of someone slipping through my fingers, leaving behind a void that I couldn't fill. Who was that person? What had happened? The answers remained elusive, buried deep within the recesses of my mind.

In the midst of my turmoil and depressive episode, I suddenly remembered that I had promised to feed Megumi's husky. It was a simple task, but one that had slipped my mind.
I fill up a bowl of dog food making my way outside, yes we keep him outside.

As I reached for the doorknob, I was taken aback to find Nanami standing there, his presence unexpected yet somehow comforting. A thousand thoughts crossed my mind, but in that moment, all I yearned for was a long, comforting hug.

Without a word, Nanami seemed to understand, as if he could read the unspoken plea in my eyes. He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around me, and I felt an overwhelming rush of relief to the point I didn't notice the dog bowl slipping from my hand.

As I pulled away from Nanami's comforting embrace, a faint blush crept onto my cheeks, my embarrassment evident. I avoided making direct eye contact, my gaze darting around the room, anywhere but at him. In that vulnerable moment, I couldn't help but worry that he might find me repulsive, seeing as I hadn't cared much about my hygiene lately.

My mind was filled with self-doubt and insecurity, fearing that my struggles had made me less desirable in Nanami's eyes. I couldn't shake the nagging thought that he might regret offering his support, that my pain had become too much to bear.

"I-I shouldn't be this close to you in this state," I stammered, taking a hesitant step back.

But Nanami's expression remained gentle and understanding, as if he could sense my inner turmoil. He reached out, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "I don't mind it" he said softly, his voice steady and comforting. "I'm here for you, Gojo."

Tears welled up in my eyes, but this time, they weren't tears of sorrow. They were tears of gratitude and relief, knowing that I had someone who cared enough to be there for me, even in my darkest moments.

"Wait..are you crying?" Nanami asked surprised with a mixture of worry.

Panicking, I quickly wiped the tears away with the back of my hand, avoiding his gaze once more. "I'm sorry," I mumbled, my voice trembling with embarrassment. "I know I look pathetic."

Nanami's response was immediate, and I could hear the reassurance in his voice. "No, no," he said firmly, stepping closer to me. "It's completely fine to cry. We all have moments of vulnerability. You're not pathetic at all."

"I just...I don't know why I feel like this," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's like there's a weight on my heart that I can't shake off." I tried to explain between sobs.

Nanami placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, his touch grounding and comforting. "Sometimes, we can't explain the reasons behind our emotions," he said softly. "But that doesn't make them any less valid. It's okay to feel lost and overwhelmed sometimes."

A moment of silence went on, it wasn't awkward but it was too quiet and I was afraid my heartbeat was audible so I broke the silence.

"I better go shower because I have been neglecting my hygiene for the past couple of days," I said, feeling a renewed sense of self-awareness as I acknowledged my neglect.

Nanami's eyes softened, understanding written across his face. "Sure, take your time," he replied. But before I could make my way to the bathroom, I asked, "You're dressed up...are you going somewhere?"

My eyes widened in realization, and I glanced down at Nanami's impeccable appearance. He was dressed in a sharp and neat beige and black suit, his favorite pair of glasses adding to his sophisticated charm. "Ah, well," he hesitated, "I was actually supposed to attend a wedding today. But I decided not to go."

A hint of concern tugged at my heartstrings. "Is everything okay?" I asked, hoping he would open up to me.

Nanami sighed softly, a mix of emotions flickering in his eyes. "It's just...I wasn't in the right headspace to attend the wedding," he admitted, his vulnerability striking a chord within me.

I wanted to offer him comfort, to let him know that he didn't have to face his struggles alone. "Can I stay with you though? I don't want to go anymore," he said, his voice earnest.

My heart skipped a beat at his unexpected request. A wave of warmth washed over me, and I couldn't help but smile. "Yes, of course," I replied, my enthusiasm evident. The thought of spending more time with him brought a sense of comfort that I hadn't anticipated.

"You can go wait in my room if you'd like," I offered, wanting to make him feel at ease. "It's upstairs with the grey door. Actually, both rooms upstairs have grey doors. It's the one on your left."

Nanami nodded gratefully making his way upstairs.
I was giggling and shit until I realized the state my room was currently  Fuck...

At our worsts ; Nanago [Nanami X Gojo]Where stories live. Discover now