Chap 2

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Elana woke up the next day, alone in the bed. She couldn't tell what woke her but when she heard a knock at the door, she knew. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Enter!" She spoke.
Lord Haruka walked in. "Good morning Princess, sorry to wake you. Prince Izana asks you to get dressed, Prince Zen has returned." He spoke.
"Thank you Lord Haruka." She smiled, getting up. He bowed and left.

She was about to go to her room to grab her stuff but instead saw a note on the side table. She picked it up.

Good morning Love,
Seeing as you seemed fine sleeping with me last night, I've moved you're things into the room. Your clothes are in the walk in closet. You can definatly see your stuff.
See you when your up.

She smiled, walking into the closet. One one side was Izana's and the other, hers. The Closet itself was huge. She looked at her closet, looking into the closet for an outfit. She soon chose a simple outfit that she usually didn't wear. However since she had no rules on her outfits, she chose something different.

She smiled

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She smiled. At home she wouldn't be aloud to show so much skin, however she didn't mind. She walked out and into his office. Of course Izana was sending off a letter.

"What's that?" She asked.
"Oh, good morning. Don't you look wonderful, I've never seen you in such an outfit." He spoke, walking over.
"How come you were sending off letters?" She asked, taking the flower that Izana handed her.
"To grab Zen and then his red haired friend." He spoke.
"So I get to meet him?" She asked.
"You do." He comfirmed, letting her sit on his arm chair. She smiled, watching him look out the window.

"I beg your pardon." She heard a voice outside the door. The door then opened. She looked and saw the Second Prince, someone she had seen pictures of and not seen in person. Zen walked in and Izana remained looking out of the window.

"Well hello little brother." Izana spoke.
"It's been a long time, Lord Brother." Zen spoke.
Elana stood up, walking over to Izana.
Izana turned to Zen. "I see you brought Mitsuhide and Kiki. Always the faithfull pair of little guard dogs." He spoke.
"Indeed I have." Zen spoke, taking glances at her also. "Why didn't you inform me you had returned?" He asked, looking at Izana.
"I was just wondering when your keen eye would notice me. I acctuly wanted to see how much attention you give to what goes on around the castle." He spoke. She listened to the brothers talking. She just looked out the window, seeing as she couldn't really help out if Zen didn't know her.
"Good, now next on the ducket." He spoke, he whispered something to her before going over to a green curtain. She smiled at Zen before walking out of the room. She had been granted permission to go explore the place. However, as she was walking around, she tripped and fell.

"Stupid rock..." She grumbled, standing up, but stopped at the throbbing pain in her ankle. Realising it was safer to ask the Medical Wing about it before walking was a smarter option, she looked around where she was stood to see if there was a guard near by. She sighed. Hopping over to a bench where she sat down. Rubbing her ankle.

"Hey, are you alright?" A girl's voice asked.
She turned to see a bright red haired girl.
"Yeah... Think I injured my ankle." She smiled.
"Oh, here, let me help you walk. The Medical Wing is just down there." She smiles, helping the girl put a hand over her shoulder before walking slowly, letting Elana hop.

They got to where the medical wing was and she let her sit down on a sofa.
"I'll be a moment, I'll grab some herbs and bandages." The red haired girl smiled before she ran off.
Suddenly there was a small thump, she turned to see a young boy, who had dropped his books.
"Are you alright?" She asked him.
"Y-Your Princess Elana!" He spoke.
"I am, the red haired girls helping me, what's your name?" She asked.
"I'm Ryuu..." He mumbled.
"Well Ryuu, could you possibly grab me a guard?" She asked.
He nodded, rushing out. He returned a moment later.

The guard instantly bowed to her. "Princess, what can I do for you?" He asked.
"Do you mind going to Izanas study and tell him that I'm down here?" She asked.
"Of course I can Princess." He bowed again before rushing off. Nearly instantly a woman with blonde hair rushed in, smiling.

"Hello there, I heard Shirayuki was dealing with your injury, just wanted to make sure your alright, I'm Garrack Gazelt, I'm the chief court pharmacist." She smiled.
"It's nice to meet you, Garrack." She smiled. Suddenly Shirayuki walked in with the items, confused.

"Why is everyone here?" She asked.
"I haven't introduced myself have I?" Elana spoke. "Hello, I am Princess Elana Rowe, the First Princess and Second Royal Sibling of Azgul." She smiled.
"Wait... Your the Princess that is visiting?" Shirayuki asked.
"I'm thankfully going to say I'm not visiting. I've moved in." She smiled.
"Huh?" She asked, sorting out her ankle.
"Princess Elana and Prince Izana have been dating for over a year now." Garrack spoke up.
"So are you close to Zen?" Shirayuki asked.
"I've seen him and he's seen me... However, we haven't acctuly met properly yet." She smiled.
"Well, either way, you've got a sprained ankle. You should take it easy. Of course you can walk on it, but getting off of it every once in a while is a better idea." Shirayuki told her.

She nodded but before she could say anything, Izana appeared at the door.
"What have you gotten yourself into this time?" He asked.
"I fell. Sprained my ankle like an idiot." She laughed.
"What did you fall on?" He asked.
"There was a rock." She stated.
"Right, thank you for dealing with Elana with such care." Izana told them all, helping Elana up and out. Up to a sitting room.

"I'd hope you would come to a tea party with me this afternoon. Prince Raji is visiting." He spoke.
"I'd love to." She smiled, limping slightly as she walked.
"Let's get you into a new dress first, you can see that you fell on your but." He smirked at her, kissing her cheek. She instantly blushed, using her hands to cover herself. He chuckled, taking off his coat that was on his shoulders and then he put it onto her shoulders. She smiled.
"Thank you." She spoke to him.

They got to their bedroom and she had a quick back before getting into a new dress. It was the same dress from before but in a blue colour. She walked out into his Study where he was sat doing paperwork. There was now a chair beside him which she took a seat at. She took the pile of work she knew she had to do, she then started signing them.
In no time, they both finished off. She smiled, looking at Izana who was still signing things. She got up and moved one of his hands off of the table before sliding onto his lap, facing his body. She put her arms around his waist and putting her face to his neck.
She felt his hand going around her waist as he continued to do his paperwork.
She knew when he was done because both of his hands went around her waist.

"Comfy?" He asked. She just made a hum in response. She heard him chuckle. "We need to get downstairs in half an hour." He told her.
"Half an hour... Not right now..." She mumbled.
"For a princess, you really are a clingy girlfriend." He told her.

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