Chap 4

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Izana knew how it was loosing parents. He and Zen had lost theirs long ago. Although Elana took hers harder. Her mom died when she was born and now her father. He knew it must be hard. But he knew just how to support the saddened girl.

When the girl returned to the castle, he did what any boyfriend would do, showing her that he loved her. It was not an innocent night. In fact the people guarding their room wouldn't look at the two the next morning and when people asked what they did, finally being together again, they never got an answer. The whole castle were wondering in less than an hour, what had happened.

"So what have I missed while I've been gone?" She asked.
"Well theres this girl who's come to see if we can use some blue birds as messengers." He spoke.
"Perhaps it would be a good idea." She smiled.
"Perhaps you'd want to watch it too. Zen will be dealing with it all, you'd do well being there also." He told her, handing her a ring. "I already announced I would propose to you, so will you marry me?" He asked.
"Less romantic than I thought but of course." She smiled, letting him put the ring on her hand.
"You best go find Zen, perhaps talk about it with him." He told her.
She nodded and went to Zen's study.

"Zen." She spoke.
"Elana, how are you?" He asked.
"Much better, I was wondering if I could give you my idea of this bird situation." She spoke.
"Hm? You agree or disagree with helping?" He asked.
"I think it would be good to use them as messengers, like Shirayuki said." She told him.
"I've agree'd already, although, you'd like to come and watch I presume?" He asked.
"Sure, Prince Izana would like to know what happens and therefore, it would be good for me to watch too." She spoke.
"You know where to go." He told her. She nodded and left the room in a swift motion.

She got there a bit late but she stepped to the side of Lord Haruka. He went to bow but she stopped him. When they were sent, she moved to the side of Zen. Barely moving her mouth so they could task a bit.

"You think it will work?" She asked.
"Most likely." He said.

He started the test and the bird was sent off. Now all they could do is wait for the bird to return. She stood in silence, waiting for the bird. However when the bird returned, she had a bad fealing. Zen left after reading a note. Lord Haruka handed it to her.

"Oh my..." She mumbled. "I'll let Zen deal with this one. It is best I do not intervene." She sighed.
Later after, Lord Haruka explained to Izana what had happened so that she didn't have to. He left the room with a quick bow to them.

"I should have known something was going to happen." Izana sighed.
"Zen and Shirayuki can never escape it." She sighed, doing paperwork at the desk.
"Wouldn't be normal if they did escape it." He sighed, walking over and giving her a peck on the cheek. "Ready for the Festival?" He asked.
"Yes, I'm ready for it. You sure you're ready to announce you proposed to me and I said yes?" She asked, still focused on her paperwork as he lent over her, his chin on her head.
"I am, although tommorow you will have guards following you everywhere, can't have you getting hurt, now can we?" He smirked.
"I'm fine with that." She smiled.

The next day, she was pulled into a dressing room where she was helped into a nice dress. She then made her way back to where Izana was waiting for her. They'd go there together.

"Those sleeves are longer than your dress

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"Those sleeves are longer than your dress." Izana joked.
She lifted her hands and showed them clear. "It's thin enough." She smiled.
"Well you look wonderful." He told her.

They soon stepped out up together, Zen witht them. Zen stood at one side with Izana around 3 feet away. And the furthest from Zen was Elana who stood right by Izana's side. It was the first time most had seen her at the castle. But either way, she stood, looking down at them, not waving like her soon to be husband. Near the end of it, she put up the hand with the Engagement ring, waving. People instantly noticed it. Either way, she and Izana soon went back to their rooms, changing back to everyday outfits. They sat together for the evening, reading.

When the lanterns started that night, she and Izana stood, hand in hand, watching them.

"What will you be doing next week?" He spoke up.
"Dress fitting. You haven't really given me the most amount of time till our wedding." She smiled.
"Well the guest list isn't too big, just me, you, Zen and a man who will say we're married." He stated.

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