Chap 3

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It was a bit later when Elana stood up and Izana did too, they rushed down to where they were greeting everyone.
He took her hand as they walked across the balcony of sorts to the main part. She stepped back as he made a quick speach to welcome him as they moved to the gardens.

She smiled, deciding it was time to speak to Zen.
"So Zen, how are you?" She asked.
"I'm good. You must be Elana, my brother speaks greatly about you." He told her.
"That is me." She smiles.
"Your injured?" He asked, motioning to her bandaged ankle.
"Yeah... Shirayuki delt with it though." She smiled. Lord Haruka spoke with Zen a bit till Izana walked over with Prince Raji. He put his hand forwards for her to take. Despite his coat of sorts. She found herself zoning out from the convocation. However when Raji said Zen and Shirayuki were to be married, she moved her hand from Izana's while trying not to laugh. Clearly it was a lie however she saw how Izana wanted to vomit.

"I'm wondering if that's true or a lie..." She grumbled, putting her drink down.
"Let's just hope it's a lie." Izana sighed, rubbing his temples. Zen later walked out to explain it was just something Raji had said. Her and Izana went back to the study where they finished off quite a bit more 'paperwork' of sorts.

"You'll rest tommorow wont you? Till Prince Raji leaves I mean." Izana spoke up.
"I will if you think that should be the better idea." She smiled.
"Thank you." He smiled to her. "Let's get to bed." He spoke, standing up.
"I'll be there in a moment." She told him. He kissed her forehead before walking off to his room. She finished her remaining three bit's of work before getting up and going to the bedroom. Izana was sat waiting in bed, reading a book. She smiled, walking into the closet and changing into a night dress. She then walked out and over to Izana. She lifted the douvet and got in, moving over to him. She laid with her head on his chest, looking at the book he was reading. He smiled, putting the book down.

"Done your paperwork?" He asked.
"Yep." She answered.
"How's your ankle?" He asked.
"Feals much better." She smiled.
"Your still going to rest tommorow." He stated.
"I will, don't worry." She smiled at him.
"I'm not worried." He blushed. She just shrugged, hugging him.
He kissed her forehead before they both found themselves falling asleep.

The next day, Izana left her to rest in the bedroom. She got dressed into another simple dress but sat on the bed for the day, reading books.

Near the evening there was a knock at the door.
"Princess Elana." Lord Haruka walked inside.
"Lord Haruka, what's the issue?" She asked.
"Prince Izana is ready to see Prince Raji off." He stated. She nodded, getting up.
"Thank you for telling me." She smiled, walking to the front of the castle. Izana instantly took her hand as they got ready to see Prince Raji off. Zen gave her a quick wave which she returned it. She looked over at Izana.

"My fathers messengers have sent a letter, I must go and see to them." She told him.
"Have someone inform me if it's bad news." He told her. She nodded and walked off, a guard close behind her.

She got to the room that her messenger was waiting. He bowed and handed her the letter. She took it.

Dear Sister,
Father has fallen unwell. We do not know if he will make it. Of course if you cannot come, we understand. I will update you if fathers health get's worse.

She sighed, taking a seat."Send word to my brother. Tell him I will be there in a day or so." She told the Messenger. As he left, she got herself up and rushed to Izana's study.

"Izana." She spoke.
"Good news or bad news?" He asked.
"Bad news." She sighed. "My father has fallen sick." She sighed.
"I'm guessing you will travel home?" He asked.
She nodded. "I have guards getting ready to take me there." She spoke.
"Have save travels. I'll wait for you to get home." He told her. She nodded, turned around and left. She got in the carraige and headed to her true home.

When she got home, her brother waited for her. She stepped out and to him.
"Brother, news on father?" She asked.
"You came in time, they belive he wont last the day." He spoke. Leading her to their fathers room.
"How did he fall sick?" She asked.
"We don't know." He sighed. "The healers say he just fell sick. They've tried everything." He said, walking past guards. She walked into the room and straight to her father, laying on the bed.

"Father." She spoke.
"Elana... I'm so sorry..." He mumbled.
"I'm here for the next few days, rest, father." She spoke.

That night, the King passed away in his sleep. The Royal siblings had taken a look at everything. For some time it would be the Prince looking after the castle and she would stay with Izana. The Funeral was a day later, it was a long ceremony but after it, she said goodbye to her brother, got in the carraige and headed home. The trip would be longer than usual due to the fact it was the middle of a storm, therefore she sat in the carraige in silence, reading books. 5 guards around the carraige on horses. Each talking about how nearly everyone knew of the kings death and that the two siblings would now remain apart. Her brother would be taking the castle and the throne, while she would be at Izana's castle and one day become the Queen of there. Although nearly everyone knew that and it was getting around in rumours. She found it amusing however.

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