A death in the family (prologue)

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The day it happened was still fresh in Barbra's mind, the day that she was paralyzed by the Joker, the same day that she saw her little sister (adopted, mind you) be shot through the skull and killed by the mad clown.


All she could feel was pain, all she could hear was the laughter of the clown prince, until "Hey! Leave my sister alone, you dumb clown." to which the Joker responded "OH, looky here! we have a brave one, LET'S SEE HOW BRAVE YOU ARE WHEN I SHOOT YOU YOU INSUFFERABLE BRAT!!!" the brave young girl responded "I'm not scared of you, ya stupid clown." no, Barbra thought in defeat,please no. And then a gunshot, and Alicia Gordon was no more. Taken from the world at such a young age, and though Barbra was in terrible pain as she was rushed to the hospital, her tears that day weren't for herself, but rather the girl she had resented for most of their time together, that she would no longer have the chance to get to know, or even apologize to for bringing her world of violence and crime fighting to before she was ready to help as she always wished to. 

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