Break up/special surprise

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We both end up falling asleep
End of recap
I woke up to being shaken and when I look it's Junior and Oliver is still passed out
Junior: Paige what the fuck *whisper yells*
I get up and we walk outside
Paige: what jun jun
Junior: why are y'all sleeping In the same bed
Paige: it's not like we were doing anything we came back here and passed out
Junior: it's still the point
Paige: you hung out with Lexy yesterday
Junior: and you hung out with Oliver
Paige: are you being serious Junior
Junior: yeah,maybe we shouldn't be in a fucking relationship
Paige: fine by me
Junior: good
Paige: good
He walks downstairs and I hear the front door slam and I run downstairs and run outside and he's walking
I run after him
Paige: Not in my fucking house you won't slam my fucking doors I'm coming by later today to get my shit and I'll bring your shit I'm done with you forever
Junior: fine maybe I'll just go date Lexy
Paige: maybe I'll go date Oliver
Junior: fine
He walks away and I run in my house and shut the door and slide down the door and cry and I hear footsteps and then someone sits next to me
Avani: what happened baby
Paige: me and Junior broke up
Avani: awe baby
She hugs me and I hug her back and cry into her shoulder
Avani: we have a surprise for you
Paige: mom I don't want surprises right now
Nessa: not even your aunt nessa
My head perks up and I get up and I hug her
Nessa: I missed you too
Jaden: what about me kiddo
I hug nessa tighter
Nessa: haha she didn't miss you
Jaden: babe shush
I pull away and she smiles and grabs my face
Nessa: your so pretty don't cry over guys... guys are shit
Jaden: excuse me
Nessa: your excused
Anthony: josh shut the fuck up gabby is still asleep and Oliver is asleep too
Josh: who's Oliver
Gabby: he's her boyfriend
Paige: gabby shut up no he's not
I just smile
Paige: I should probably go wake him up
Nessa: get your man
Josh rolls his eyes and Jaden sees it and then Anthony grabs Jaden and I go upstairs and wake Oliver up
Paige: hey
Oliver: you ok you look like you've been crying
Paige: me and Junior broke up
Oliver: oh shit
Paige: yeah
Oliver: I'm sorry
Paige: it's ok it was bound to happen
He smiles and starts tickling me
Paige: stop it
I start giggling and then we look at each other and he kisses me and I kiss back for like a second and then realize
Paige: Um I think you should go
Oliver: yeah
He walks to the door
Paige: can we act like it's not awkward
Oliver: yeah
Paige: I'll walk you down
Oliver: ok
He picks me up and Carry's me down the stairs
Nessa: aweee
Paige: no
He puts my down and then before he walks out the door he kisses me and then walks out and I shut the door
Paige: thank never happened
Josh: yes it did
Paige: no
I walk upstairs and get dressed into this

 guys are shit Jaden: excuse meNessa: your excused Josh: WHATS UP BITCHES Anthony: josh shut the fuck up gabby is still asleep and Oliver is asleep tooJosh: who's Oliver Gabby: he's her boyfriend Paige: gabby shut up no he's not I just smilePaige:...

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And then get all of juniors shit together and I go downstairs Anthony: what's that Paige: all of juniors stuff Anthony: oh Nessa: want me to drive you Paige: please Nessa: let's go We walk out the door and get in the car and go to juniors and we d...

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And then get all of juniors shit together and I go downstairs
Anthony: what's that
Paige: all of juniors stuff
Anthony: oh
Nessa: want me to drive you
Paige: please
Nessa: let's go
We walk out the door and get in the car and go to juniors and we drop his stuff off and then I get my stuff and I text my mom
Hey mom me and nessa are having a Paige and nessa day
Ok sweetie that's fine
I leave her on open and then me and nessa spend the day together get our hair done
Nessa's hairstyles

And then get all of juniors shit together and I go downstairs Anthony: what's that Paige: all of juniors stuff Anthony: oh Nessa: want me to drive you Paige: please Nessa: let's go We walk out the door and get in the car and go to juniors and we d...

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And then y'all go get food and get new makeup and stuff and go back to the house and walk in and Jaden is on the stairs with an ice pack on his hand Nessa: what happened when we left chicky Jaden: got in a fight Nessa: with? Jaden: josh Josh walks...

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And then y'all go get food and get new makeup and stuff and go back to the house and walk in and Jaden is on the stairs with an ice pack on his hand
Nessa: what happened when we left chicky
Jaden: got in a fight
Nessa: with?
Jaden: josh
Josh walks in
Josh: yeah he can throw a good punch
Josh shows us his eye
Paige: are y'all good now
Josh: we agreed to be acquaintances
Paige: great
Anthony: fr
Avani: Oliver stopped by
Paige: again?
Avani: yeah
Paige: for what
Avani: ask you out
Paige: I cant I just got out of a relationship
Avani: yeah I know I told him that
Paige: ok good
I go upstairs and I start crying and then I get up and slam my lamp on the floor and fuck up my room and then someone opens the door and I see nessa and Jaden and I start bawling my eyes out and nessa runs over to me and hugs me
Nessa: booger go get her some water
Jaden: yeah ofc
He goes downstairs and she plays with my hair and I just cry and Jaden comes up with water and I drink it and calm down
Nessa: what happened
Paige: I lost him
Nessa: aw chicky
She kisses my head and Carries me to the bed and lays me down and puts the covers over me
Nessa: I'm gonna talk to your mom about you not going to school tomorrow
Paige: no I want to go but can I get picked up early
Nessa: yeah ofc just don't tell your mom
Paige: ok🤣
She kisses my head and I plug my phone up and I pass out

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