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Will's POV

I went to the yellow table after the hat shouted Hufflepuff.

"Hello!" a girl with waist-length greeted me.

"Hello!" said a boy and another girl.

"You're Will, right?" the second girl asked me.

"Yes," I said, nodding.

"Oh, we haven't introduced ourselves, I'm Susan. You can call me Susie if you want," the first girl said.

"I'm Ernie MacMillan" the boy said.

"Hannah Abbot. Congratulations on getting on the Best House, by the way." She said, teasingly.

"What are the Houses?" I asked.

"Oh, during the time you saty in Hogwarts, you stay in your House's Common Room and have classes with your own House. A system of organization, I guess," Ernie said.

"Yeah, each House has its common room, traits, Head of House, ghost," Susan said.

"And what are the other Houses?" I asked. "I mean, at our school, it is different."

"Well, there's Slytherin." Susan said pointing at the table where Lou and Cecil sat. "It was founded by Salazar Slytherin, their colors are green and silver, their animal is a snake and their element is water. Not many people like it. It's the House that has produced the most Dark Wizards. You-Know-Who was one."

"You- Know-Who?" I asked.

"Yes, you don't know him?" Ernie asked. I shook my head.

"Well, he's a Dark Wizard and had the wizarding community under terror, fourteen years ago. We don't say his name because it was a way to trail people, but his name was Voldemort," Ernie said the last word very nervous.

"He tried to kill Muggleborns and Muggles, he only valued purebloods," Hannah said. I nodded, making a mental note to ask Lou later about those terms.

"Muggles are non-magical folks, and muggleborns are witches and wizards born from muggles," Susan explained.

"So the Slytherin House had bad reputation?" I asked.

"Yes," Susan said. "We get along well with them, they also get along well with the Ravenclaws. But not with the Gryffindors, they're sworn enemies. They look like they're bad people, but once you get through the rough crust, they are really nice. They can be smug thoug. They value cleverness, ambition and are cunning."

"Speaking of the devil," Hannah continued. "Then there's Gryffindor. Sworn enemies of the Slytherins, but they're nice too. They're brave, corageous and chivalrous. Their element is fire and their animal is the lion. It was founded by Godric Gryffindor, they get along with us well, but think the Ravenclaws are kind of crazy. Harry Potter is in Gryffindor,"

"The one who defeated You-Know-Who, right?" I asked. And the one we have to protect.

"Yep," Susan said, nodding. "Then there's Ravenclaw. Founded by Rowena Ravenclaw. They are wise, smart and creative. Their colors are bronze and blue and their element is the air. Ironically, their animal is an eagle, not a raven."

"And lastly, but not least, Hufflepuff. Our House. Founded by Helga Hufflepuff, we are fair, nice and work hard. We don't show off, but that soesn't mean we don't do anything. Our element is the earth, our animal's a badger and our colors are black and yellow." Ernie explained.

"Black and yellow?" I asked. I wondered if that was what the Fates thought was a joke. I remembered the other cabins would usually write Solangelo in black and yellow. Just another way to remind me.

"Yes," Ernie said carefully, as if he had guessed he had touched a nerve. Susan and Hannah also seemed to notice but didn't press it, which I appreciated.

"And how are things at your school?" Susan asked.

"Well," I said, hoping my friends would be on the same page. "We are divided in cabins, and we are chosen according to the magic we are best sutied for. I'm in cabin 7, the cabin of music, healing and archery. I'm a healer."

"And how many cabins are there?" Hannah asked.

"About twenty. Cabin 9 is Leo's cabin. They are good with machines, and some control over fire. Cabin 16 is the cabin of vengeance and justice, Cabin 3 deals with water, Cabin 1 deals with thunder. And there are much more."

"Humph, do they have a cabin for food lovers?" Ernie asked.

"I don't think so. Although one of my friends is in Cabin 3 and inhales food. But not just them," I said.

Leo's POV

I sat on the table that cheered for me. Everybody was minding their own business. I took some materials from my belt and started building a little model.

"How is it you are here?" I turned to ask Nico.

"I could ask you the same thing." He said. I just shrugged.

"Hey, if we're supposed to protect Harry, how can we do it when we're all in different Houses?" I asked Nico.

He just shrugged. "Surely we'll have more instructions. Then-"

"We wing the hell out of it." I concluded. Nico looked exasperatedly at me.

"Well not like that, but yes."

I started eating, thinking in magic, and continued to build my screw.

"Ummmm, I'm not expert on humans, I prefer automatons, but I think you have to eat," I said, noticing he hadn't eaten anything.

"Don't we have to sacrifice?" He asked.

"Right!" I said. Schist. I burned with my hand some food and offered it to Hephestaus and Hecate. I wonder if the Fates receive offerings. If I do give them a lot of offerings, will they let me in peace?

"Hey," a boy next to me said.

"Hello!" I said.

"Leo, right?"

"Leo McShizzle Bad Boy Supreme Valdez, yes"

"I'm Terry Boot."

"Nice meeting you, Terry Boot. I have a question, what's the difference among the Houses?" I asked. (A/N Among or between????)

"Well, the traits. There are Gryffindor, the red ones over there, Slytherin, the ones with silver and green, Hufflepuff, the ones with black and yellow and us, Ravenclaw."

A/N This chapter sucked. I promise I'll try better, still, it sucked. Anyway, Will made some new friends, Leo found out about the Houses and they still need instructions. I am sorry for those who wanted the demigods in other Houses. Will's caring, but will attack if necessary, that's Hufflepuff. Leo's very smart, wise and creative, he can build machines really quick, he's wise because of the things he's been through. Nico, I had a harder time, on one hand, he's cunning and resourceful, very loyal to his own principles ("I don't care on whose side I am, I just want to get Bianca back!" Nico says something like this in battle of the Laberynth), knows a lot about the Greek world and is very brave. However, I didn't want to place more than two demigods on Slytherin, and other than Slytherin, he would be a Gryffindor as they value courage, loyalty, etc. Lou's the leader of the mission, so a Slytherin, since they're leaders. And I believe Cecil would do the same as his dad and Luke, to sleep his enemy, something like that, by being clever, not durect confrontation, which I believe is something Slytherins do too.

Demigods and the Triwizard Tournament(Percy Jackson, Harry Potter crossover)Where stories live. Discover now