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"Changkyun!" Hoseok called out when he spotted the younger student in the hallway. The said boy stopped in his steps and glanced around to see who called for him and probably wondering why. Hoseok waved his hand a little to catch his attention as he jogged up to the guy through the wave of other students.

He could understand how Changkyun and Hyungwon got along. Both seemed a little reserved and quiet by nature.

"Hyung?" The other spoke carefully, tilting his head. The artist grinned at the other slightly, inhaling sharply to catch his breath. "Have you seen Hyungwon?" Hoseok then asked and the other immediately nodded his head. "During lunch. And I'm going to meet him because we have plans. Why?" he asked.

"You have plans? Oh, never mind then." the older of the two shrugged his shoulders a little bit, already opening his mouth again to bid his byes. "I mean I can borrow him to you," Changkyun stated first raising his eyebrows slightly. Hoseok only smiled at this and shook his head, declining the offer. "No need. I'll just go to my friends, then."

"No, it's fine. I'll just go bother my roommate." Changkyun declined too somehow weirdly excited that Hoseok wanted to take his best friend away from him. "I.. Well, if you're sure." Hoseok said and scratched his head slightly. "Where is he?"

"He should be waiting in front of the building." Changkyun hummed out and started walking toward the door. The older started following him without saying anything. "So what do you need him for?" the other then asked, glancing at Hoseok before turning his haze to the phone in his hand.

"I'm going to go get a last-minute gift for my friend... I didn't want to go alone and I don't trust Minhyuk enough to not blabber about my gift." He explained, chuckling slightly. Sure, if he couldn't have gone with Hyungwon he would have found Minhyuk only as a last resort.

"Jooheon's gift right?" Changkyun stated and Hoseok nodded his head a bit. "I figure you two are friends, then?" Hoseok asked, getting a small hum as a result but nothing else that could reveal how or when they became friends. But Hoseok concluded that it was at university since they had the same major.

"Well, Hyungwon's a great choice to take with you, then." Changkyun let out and stopped walking in his steps all of a sudden. Hoseok heard the other curse quietly. "What do you mean?" the older asked, crossing his arms. The other laughed a bit, sounding slightly nervous. "Well. Hyungwon's.. You know with Jooheon's brother..." he spoke and lowered his voice a bit as he got to the end of his sentence, pressing his pointer fingertips together. 

Hoseok parted his lips, quickly recalling the scene in Jooheon's kitchen. "They're dating? Hyungwon told me it was a fling." He mumbled out, furrowing his brows. Changkyun cleared his throat a little bit and licked his lips. "It's... Hm, I guess it's like a friends with benefits thing." he stated and shrugged his shoulders all the while he didn't seem too convinced of his own words. Weird. "We might be best friends but it's Hyungwon. And frankly, I don't care about his sex life."

Hosek nodded his head a little bit, pulling his lips into a line. "Anyway. You should go." Changkyun said, nodding toward the exit. "Right. Thanks and I owe you one for this." Hoseok grinned, waved at the younger, and quickly jogged off to find his new companion.

Hoseok quickly made it outside into the cool air and looked around. There were a few groups of students around and it didn't take long for him to find Hyungwon standing by himself. The younger was on his phone and had his headphones in while he was cluelessly waiting for his friend and giving Hoseok the perfect chance to sneak up on him.

Smiling to himself he walked over to the taller man and got onto his tiptoes to see what he was looking at over his shoulder. It wasn't anything worth observing for any longer so he raised his hands to cover Hyungwon's eyes. The poor guy let out a small yelp, his free hand moving up to remove his headphones. "Guess who?" Hoseok asked when he had the other take the buds out enabling him to hear.

Like a Fool - HyungwonhoWhere stories live. Discover now