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Hyungwon stared down at his hands in silence, guilt surrounding every oracle of his living body. He honestly wished he wasn't alive at that moment but there he was, heart beating inside his chest. He remembers the last time his knuckles were just as busted and that had been the final time for years but here he was. Maybe it was the same exact seat he had sat in back then.

Although he felt already guilty about the way things had turned out, there was one thing that made everything just a lot worse. Hoseok. He had hit Hoseok. It might have been an accident, but it happened anyway.

Even after everything, Hyungwon had hurt the one person he promised himself to not hurt. It made him want to curl up in shame.

His eyes trailed from his hands toward the older who was sitting on a chair to the side of the station, holding an ice pack to his face. There was a purple blotch already forming on the skin which made Hyungwon's stomach churn. He did that. It was his fist that collided with the skin and there was no taking it back.

"Fuck." Hyungwon muttered under his breath, looking away when Hoseok glanced at him. It wasn't the soft, concerned look the guy had given him only a few hours ago. It was full of fear like it had only been once before. 

The fight had been over the instant Hyungwon smacked the older and he fell to the ground, holding his face while hyperventilating. Though Hyungwon stopping let the other guy give him the final blow before the police broke them apart. His eyes had been tunnel-visioned on Hoseok, hoping there was a way to calm him down so he barely noticed he was pulled up.

The ride to the station had been a daze and he still was trying to make clear of everything but his thoughts were circling the one singular event.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a man clearing his throat and he raised his head. A cop had finally sat down on the other side of the table. "I'll take your side of the story now." The officer stated making Hyungwon nod his head slowly.

He had just gotten home and crashed onto his bed, ready to hit the hay after a day at work. It had been more frustrating tonight, mostly because the youth was out to party leaving him to deal with drunk university students.

He put his phone on the nightstand and huddled into his blanket when the cursed device started vibrating. Someone was calling him and at first, he didn't even bother to pick it up. It wasn't anything important because he just wanted to rest.

But then, only a few seconds later it started ringing again after stopping for those few seconds and a tired groan escaped from Hyungwon's lips as he reached for the device. The bright screen highlighted his face, and Hoseok's caller ID was planted on the screen. Hyungwon sucked in his lips, considering what would come from responding. There was a high chance the older was drunk-dialing him and even if he was fond of the beefcake, he wasn't sure if he could deal with that right now. 

Hyungwon could have been at the party too, with Changkyun, enjoying his time. But no one wanted to take a Saturday night shift and he really didn't blame them; he didn't want to take it either but since no want swapped with him he was doomed.

He eventually caved, answering the call and bringing the phone to his ear. "Yeah?" He asked, hearing muffled music through the phone but it wasn't overpowering the older's voice when he spoke. "Are you still working?" Hoseok asked him, his voice spilling with worry.

"No, why?" he replied, pushing himself to sit. Maybe it was good that he responded. It seemed like something urgent as Hoseok never before had spoken in such a tone before. "I'm sorry. Please, don't be mad at me... I swear I looked away for just a second and..." Hoseok pleaded, sounding like he was close to tears. Hyungwon's eyebrows furrowed and he asked the older to slow down and explain what had happened.

Like a Fool - HyungwonhoWhere stories live. Discover now