Phoebe vs Max

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I'm standing in line with my sister for picture day. Yes, I'm 13 in high school but I skipped a grade because I'm really smart. Cherry went up to take her picture and I'm next . Once she gets up I go up and sit down.

"Say cheese." the man says.

"Just take the picture." I say then give him a fake smile.

I get of the chair and walk over to my sister

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I get of the chair and walk over to my sister.

"is that good?" my sister asks as i approach her and Tomato.

"Yeah." Tomato says.

"i'm actually really excited." i scoff.

"you look pretty decent you should be excited." i state and she glares at me for half a second.

"At my old school, our pictures were always a little.... Formal." Phoebe says and i roll my eyes.

"That's an understatement." i state remembering the pictures.

"You guys had to wear uniform?" Cherry asks.

"Something like that." i say.

"All i know is school pictures are forever, and i want this one to be perfect." Phoebe says i feel really bad about what max is gonna do but ill get over it.

But just in case I don't I snapped a picture of Phoebe earlier.

"Perfect, huh?" Max asks walking over throwing his arm around me but i push his arm off considering he has a huge stain on his shirt.

"You might wanna change...into someone pretty." they Nyaah each other.

"That's what your wearing for picture day?" Phoebe asks.

"I always wear what i want." Max replies and i roll my eyes.

"Next." the man says.

"Besides, Phoebe, no ones gonna be looking at me." Max says and Phoebe looks over at him.

"Why not?" she asks skeptically.

"'Cause. They'll be looking at you." Max states.

"Huh?" shes asks. And then chocolate falls onto Phoebes head and i laugh.

"Chocolate, Max?" Phoebe asks and the guy snaps a photo.

"Next." but our plan isn't done i walk over to the guy.

"Oh come on let her at least retake it." i say.

"Fine." he says and phoebe smiles at me and starts to get up.

"Smile." he says.

"wait, what? Now?" she asks and i look at max for instructions and he shakes his head.

"Don't forget to say cheese." Max says as my signal to go.

"Cheese." Phoebe says smiling and i press the button to dump the cheese and the guy snaps the picture and i laugh.

Elizabeth ThundermanWhere stories live. Discover now