Thunderman vs Thunderman

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this episode actually has two names so i didnt know which one to put.

"mom , dad!" Phoebe yells when we walk in and dads jenga tower falls.

"Shh, we're playing stumbly stacks." Billy Whispers.

"so you know how you're always saying You've never had a real vacation." phoebe says.

"and you've never got any time off back in metroburg 'cause of the whole superhero Thing." max says

"and you can never really afford it because of the whole dads way to cheap thing" i say.

"Its true i made this game from spare ceiling beams i found." dad says.

"but since your retired now maybe its time we all went on a vacation." max says.

"It will be nice to get away together as a family,Have some fun, make some lasting memories." mom says.

"I dont know lasting memories sounds expensive." dad says placing the beams down.

"What if i told you there was a way we could do it for free?" i ask.

"We're gonna fly on a giant bird?" billy asks and nora starts getting hyped.

"No, are you two stupid? We can win a vacation." i say.

"To a giant bird sanctuary?" Nora asks.

"Get this through your head there is no giant bird." I say rolling my eyes.

"It's a school fundraiser. Families compete against each other in a bunch of different challenges. It's the family faux-lympics." phoebe says.

"And whoever wins gets a dream vacation anywhere in the world. here . check it out." Max says handing them a pamphlet.

"Well, that family does look happy." mom says.

"And just think mom, that could be our family vacation picture." Max says.

"Hey, how come that guy gets to wear socks with sandals?" dad asks.

"Because that guys three years old." Mom says.

"Look. winning will be easy for a team of superheroes." i say.

"We're not gonna cheat and use our superpowers, Lizzie." Phoebe says.

"Totally agree... unless we're losing." Max says.

"What do you say, hank?" mom says and everyone starts talking.

"I say... bring it in team." Dad says and puts his hand in the middle and everyone cheers.

"Go thundermans." we all say and the house starts shaking till the roof falls and he runs upstairs and i go down to my room for my nap but before i take a nap i text josh and fill him in.

--- --- ---

"Good run everybody!" I say and everyone jogs in.

"i've never run that slow in my do you people live like this?" Billy asks.

"We have to practice running slower like normal people." I say patting his back.

"Because that's what we are in hiddenville: normal people." Dad says breaking metal with his hands.

"Starting now." dad says.

"Get used to the slow life billy. Soon we'll be kicking back on the beach working on our thundermans." Max says.

"Actually I thought we could use our vacation to tour all the great castles in Europe." Phoebe says.

"No way a vacation is supposed to be fun. Not learny."i say.

Elizabeth ThundermanWhere stories live. Discover now