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"Dad?" I call and walk up to him. 

"Yes?" he asks. 

"Can I have $230?" I ask. 

"Sure honey." he says and hands me the money.

"Thanks." I say. 

"Wait what?" Phoebe asks. 

"What?" dad asks. 

"You wont give me and Max money but you give her money." Phoebe says.

 "Yes because she actually is nice to me for no reason." he says and I smile at them and leave.

"Observe the nerd in her natural habitat. We can only hope she migrates south and stays there." Max says. 

"Observe the jealous brother and sister. Ugh, I don't have time for goofy accents. I'm going to work." Phoebe says. 

"Wait, you already got a job?" Max asks. 

"Well, I will after my interview at Wong's pizza palace. Which means I'm closer to finding a job than you are. Unless the couch is hiring." Phoebe says.

"You know he's gone right?" I asked Phoebe. 

"Max!" she says and runs out the door and  run after them.

"Hello, I'd like to apply for the job!" they both yell. 

"Wait, you're Mrs. Wong, right?" Phoebe asks. 

"No, she just bought that T-shirt because it matches her face." I say. 

"I like this one. Of course I'm Mrs. Wong! Wait here. I have 2 job openings and three dummies to interview." Mrs. Wong says. 

"You two and bobblehead over there." she says. 

"Tyler?" Phoebe asks. 

"You guys are applying for jobs together? All you ever do is argue." he says. 

"No, we don't." Phoebe says. 

"Yes, we do." Max says. 

"No, we don't!" Phoebe says and they start arguing and I smack them both in the back of their heads. 

"But don't worry about working together, 'cause there's only room for one of you. Oh, and just so we're clear. What I meant was I'm getting the job." Tyler says. 

"Yeah." they say. 

"Well, looks like this job is mine. I'm better than you at everything and Tyler's never getting all this under a hairnet." Max says. 

"Please, if anyone's getting this job, its me. I'm dresses for success, and you look like you buy your clothes at the bus station lost and found." Phoebe says. 

"Hey! That's my shirt." I say. 

"Sorry Lizzie." she says. 

"Easy fix." Max says and grabs someone's jacket. 

"Looks a little tight." I say. 

"Thanks, I've been working out." he says. 

"Max, we share a room. we both know you haven't." I say and pat him on the back.

"Quite frankly I don't want to spend time with any of you but I need cooks, so, Phoebe and Tyler, you got it." Mrs. Wong says. 

"Whoo-hoo! Yes! Thank you so much. I won't disappoint you." Phoebe says. 

"Yeah, me neither." Tyler says and sneezes and wipes it on his shirt. 

"You're fired." I say after reading Mrs. Wong's mind. i recently got that power so I don't know how to control it yet. 

"Job is yours, Mark." She says. 

"Max." my brother corrects. 

"Do you want the job or not?" Wong asks. 

"Mark it is." Max says.

"And you are my co- manager." she says. 

"But I didn't apply." I say. 

"Well you have the job now like it or not." she says and walks away. 

"See you losers later." I say to my siblings.

Max and Phoebe walk in at the same time as mom and dad. 

"Wow, so weird." I say. 

"You guys are looking at the two newest pizza artists at Wong pizza palace." Max says. 

"Congratulations!" dad says. 

"You both got a job at the same place?" mom says. 

"Yeah, until Max gets fired." Phoebe says. "How do I put this? You two are like peanut butter and tuna, great individually, but together, ugh, not so much." mom says. 

"Actually, Barb, pb&ts are--" dad says. 

"Making a point Hank." Mom says and holds her hand up. 

"We'll be fine, mom." Phoebe says. 

"Oh, uh, kids, is there--" dad asks. 

"Yes, dad, there's a family discount." Phoebe says. 

"That's not what I was gonna say! But it's what I wanted to hear." Dad says and I read his mind. 

"Here dad, I got pizza." I say and conjure a pizza. 

"Nice pizza." he says and grabs the box. 

"Well I'm the new co-manager at Wong's palace, Max and Phoebe's boss." I say. 

"Good job honey." They say and hug me.

"Where's the manager?" a guy asks. 

"Is there a problem sir?" Mrs. Wong asks. 

"I found this fortune in the crust." he says and I grab it. 

"Some stuff will happen." I say and look at my brother. 

"I take it this is your doing? Lame fortunes in pizza's?" I ask. 

"To be fair, those things are harder to write than you think," he says. 

"Well here's your fortune. You're fired!" Wong says. 

"Looks like only one of us is getting a new phone." Phoebe says. 

"Ring, ring." I say. 

"Pick up, it's for you." Wong says. 

"Hello." phoebe says. 

"You're fired too." I say and Wong walks away. 

"I knew I shouldn't have answered it. I can't believe you fired your own sister." Phoebe says. 

"It's the same thing you do to everyone else. You're just mad because it's been done to you." I say. 

"What does that mean?" she asks. 

"Never mind." I say and they run into the other room.

"We're back." Wong says. 

"Oh no." I say and the thing explodes and I shield Mrs. Wong the best I can. which results in me getting covered in Pizza crust. 

"You saved me." she says. 

"Yea, it's kind of what I do." I say and make holes in the eyes so I can see and we walk out of the cooking room. 

"Phoebe Max, you're fired!" she yells. 

"I have a counterproposal." Max says and holds something out to her. 

"Get out!" she yells. 

"Fair enough!" Max says and we leave.

Elizabeth ThundermanWhere stories live. Discover now