Chapter one

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"Too many years have gone by. I didn't think I could survive without you. From other peoples point of view, I could be over exaggerating, but I just can't get my mind off of you. I wanna see you again. Where did you go and why did you leave?"



Reki. All I could ever think of was Reki. The thought of him has me so lost that I almost got myself hurt just a thought ago. It's been too long since I've seen him. He ran away with the thought of no one loving him. But I did. I loved him more than anything in this world. So why did he think such untrue thoughts. Did I not prove it enough to him? I hope I did. All I want is for him to be happy again and come back so I can hold him and my arms again. If only I knew where he was. I hope he isn't in some sort of danger. I wanna be there for him, and comfort him in any way he needs.

I just got out of school and right now, all I need us some poutine and a nap. As I was walking I overheard some guys talking.

"You know about the boy who went missing three years ago in January? The messy red haired one?"

"Yea, I heard rumors that he died last September. It sucks."

"You dumbass he isn't dead. Look." He shifted his friend towards some tree's or what seemed like a forest. I cocked up an eyebrow. "I heard that he was living in there somewhere."

"You've gotta be kidding- there's no way someone could survive in a forest dude. He would've possibly been eaten by a bear or starved, or even froze to death. There's so many possible ways for him to die in there. Especially since its been three years. Where'd you even get that information anyway? One of your dumbass websites again?" He laughed. That comment earned him a slap in the head from his friend. "My research isn't some joke! Take me seriously sometme will ya?"

My attention turned away from them and towards the woody forest. Why would Reki be in there? I hate to admit it but that guy was right. There's many ways Reki could have died in there. Starvation, frost bite, poison, eaten by some bloodlusted creature or something worse. It isn't possible, especially since its been so long. But... I wanna do all I can to see him again. It mind seem crazy but I'm gonna find out of this rumor is true. Even if I get killed by an animal during the process. I need to find Reki.


I went home a gathered materials and stuffed them all into my bag. Medkit, snacks, water and some extra clothes and underwear. You know? Just incase I decide to stay in a forest for days to try and find my friend that I havent seen for years that I desperately need to see again to breathe normally. I tried to be as quiet as a could to not wake my mom. I spoke too soon.

My door opened and my light flickered on as a slowly turned around to face my mom. "Uh....- H-hey?" I scratched the back neck and smiled nervously.

"Where are you going?" She was very unfazed and confused. "You made a ton of noise, Langa. Are you going to a sleepover? Why didn't you tell me?" "No- I mean yea! I'm sorry mom, I was really excited to go I guess I forgot to ask for your permission.." I sigh. " it okay?"

"Whose house are you going to? Is their mom okay with you staying?" She walked over and dusted my shirt off. "Yea! She's okay with it, You of my soccer teamates are hosting the sleepover, the whole teams gonna be there." I lied. I hate lying to her, but if she found out I was going to go search for Reki, she would forbid me from going because she doesn't want me getting hurt. "Ah I see, well its okay with me. As long as you do what you're told then I'm okay with it." I smiled and bent over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks mom." "No problem sweetheart, now go on and have fun." she smiled. I squeezed passed her oiut of my room and made my way to the front door and left.

Tonight is gonna be a long night.


Yes ik this story is kind of random. It just popped up inside of my mind so I thought I'd just make it a story😭 I hope you enjoyed chapter one. I may have made some spelling mistakes also

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