Chapter two

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"I hate having to risk my life for something that may not even be true. But I said, I would do whatever it took to find you."



Why did I decide to do this at night? This is gonna take longer than I thought it would. Especially since its pitch black. Luckily. I brought a flashlight so I could see. Where did that guy that information really? Did he just...lie to his friend like that as some type of joke? This isn't a joke, its serious. I don't think he should've joked like that. I didn't find it funny. This is a real problem that needs to be solved. And its gonna be solved by me, I'm gonna find that perfect red haired boy and bring him back.

I looked up into the sky. It looked like it was gonna rain soon so I should find or make some type of shelter. Even though I dont know the first step to camping. I only qent camping once and that was Cherry, Joe, Miya and Reki and few years back. A month before he qent missing. We decided to go camping for a couple of days on the weekend since we had a long week of tests that school week. Seeing Reki's face light up with excitement when we do things like that warms my heart. He never fails to make anyone smile. He's the light to everything.

I need to find him before it rains. I know its been three years, he's been through worse than rain but I dont want him to go through it anymore. I wanna hug him and keep him warm during every winter and make sure he's comfortable. Lost in thought, I trip over some stick and landed in mud face first. Thats just great isn't it? I sit up and start wiping the gunk off my face with my arm. This flashlight looks like its gonna go out soon. I put new batteries in though. Maybe because its old is the reason. I would use my phone flashlight but it would drain my battery and i need my phone just incase of an emergency. I stand up and wipe off my clothes, I then look up and and big boom crackled through the sky.

It's gonna thunderstorm badly tonight. I need to find somewhere fast.

little skip

I made a shelter in no time. I stand there proud and look at my messy masterpiece. Its kind of small for me but I think I can manage. I toss my stuff inside the area and crawl in. Its smaller than I thought it was from the outside. I sigh and grab one of my shirts from my backpack and cover up with it. It isnt big enough but It's okay, It's not that cold anyway. I toss and turn and overthink about how Reki's doing. I hope he's safe and sound somewhere around here. Sleeping peacefully with enough to make him through tonight.

After alot of thinking, I finally fall asleep.

Few hours later

A loud boom made me wake up from my slumber. My breathing steadied as I adjusted and realized it was raining and the sun was rising. I decided to gather my things a little early so I could have more time to find Reki. I left my little campsite and walked deeper into the forest. As I'm walking I heard rustling in the bushes. I turn my head towards the sound, nothing? I walk closer and the noise got louder then went away. I decided to follow the noise knowing damn well it could be some bear or something worse.

Whatever it was seem to be running away from me, or something. Or running for something? I couldn't tell because I was getting hit by a bunch of tree branches and attacked by bushes. The ground was slippery, by the time I got to the end of the forest I slipped and fell.

"Ow...." I rubbed my head and looked up at the scenery ahead. The sun was up while it was still raining. Something red caught my eye, I turn and look at the figure beside me, staring off into the distance. Wait-

The boy with red hair turned to face me, messy long hair all wet covering his eyes. They were to bright to hide away. Dripping with rain water from his hair onto his beautiful nose. No sort of expression on his face.


748 words🤞👷‍♂️ (may have spelling mistakes)

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