Chapter three

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Was it actually him? Or am I just dreaming? How did I find him so fast, I must be dreaming. The boy just blinked at me. I exmained his face and body, his face was clean but his body was a whole new story. Clothes were covered in dirt and grass stains with holes in them. I could see some of the scratches through the holes of his pants. And his shirt, I could see the purple and blue bruises that laid on his arms. I was wrong about his face being completely clean. There was a scratch that went across his nose that looked brand new. "Reki....what happened?" I asked going to reach of his hair and push it out his face so I could see better.

He pointed towards the tree's and bushes we were just in. That makes sense...I wanted to take him home but first I had to do a a little interrogation to find out whats been going on with him. "Reki, whats going on? Why'd you run away from home and where were you?" Reki looked at me a little confused. The small wind pushing his hair back into his face, he turns away from me and pulls something from out of the ground. He turns back around towards me and motions me to hold my hands out, I did what he asked. He then placed his hands into mine. His hands were a little rough. But they were still beautiful, even if they were layered with scars. I dragged my thumb across his scars slowly, there was so many. he opened his hand and place a flower in mine. It was a light sky blue, just like my hair. I looked up at him and he just smiled. He was so precious.

I missed him so much. That beautiful smile I couldn't live without is back. Everything about him was just beautiful. I let go of his hands and just hugged him. I wrapped my arms around his back and rested my head on his shoulder. I just wanted to cry on his shoulder. The thought of losing him again came rushing through. I never want to lose this precious boy again. I felt his arms wrap around my neck and smiled. I lifted my head off his shoulder to look at him. "Reki, how do you feel about going to my place? We can't stay in the rain." I pushed his messy hair back once more and stared at him. He just blinked at me. I realized, he hasnt said anything for a minute. Why won't he say anything? Is he...deaf? (why does that seem mean😭) Did something happen to make him this way? "Can you hear me, Reki?" I poke his face and wait for an answer. He nods and starts poking my face too. I chuckled and pushed his hand away, I guess I was wrong

I stand up and reach out for his hand confidently for some reason. I guess I was too confident because Reki had already stood up after me and looked down at my hand and held it. I looked up at him and he smiled again. He's gonna kill me with that damn smile of his. I blushed embarrassingly as I just made a fool out of myself. I help his hand, and lead him out of the forest


We were walking for a while until Reki stopped walking and started shivering. I turned and looked at him. "Hey..Reki? You okay?" I walked closer. I don't know how to tell if he's okay since he wont speak to me. Maybe...he's cold? It just stopped raining and the winds blowing a little harder. I grabbed my backpack and pulled out a hoodie and put it on him. He stared at me for a while then blushed and looked away. I smiled and softly grabbed his hand and lead him rest of the way to my house. I forgot about my mom and what she would do if she saw Reki again. She was gonna flip.

We made it home. I turned to look at Reki. "My...moms probably home. She might scream and cry when she see's you. Just a warning.." I scratched the back of my neck as he sighs. I hesitantly open the door and take one step inside with Reki behind me as he slowly puts the hood over his head. I took a deep breath and called out for my Mom. "M-Mom...? I'm home!" I walk more inside with Reki trailing behind. "I'm in the kitchen hun!" I look at Reki and he nods. I lead him to the kitchen to my mom cleaning. "H-Hey mom..I brought a friend." she turns to face us. "Hey, whose this friend?" I motion Reki to pull his hood down.

He shakes his head no and steps back. I sigh and give him a look that said 'please'. He stared at me and sighed. he slowly pulled his hood down revealing his facial features and red fluffy hair. My Mom gasped and dropped the glass cup she had in her hand shaking. Tears welded up in her eyes. She slowly walked over to Reki and took his face into her hands and examined him. "Is it really him...?" she turned to me with tears running down her face. I nodded and smiled slightly. Atleast she isn't screaming...

"Reki! Where have you been?!" Nevermind. "Me and your Mother...a-and everyone else were worried! Reki dear...look at you... your hair is a mess a-and..." she cried even more. couldn't say her words right anymore. she just hugged him and didnt let go. Reki didn't hug back. He teared up and put his face into her shoulder. "Oh Reki...." she pulled away and examined his face once more. "Does your mother know where you are?" he shakes his head looking down.

"Then we should call her-" "No!"

I was shocked to hear a word finally come out his mouth. "Please...don't.."

"But why hun? She's your mother.." we stood in a moment of silence. Reki didnt answer and didnt wanna answer, i could tell. I gave my mom an apologetic smile and tapped Reki. "Lets go to my room" Reki nodded slightly and followed me. We reached my room and i shut the door behind me then we took a seat on the bed. Silence filled the room again, how do I start a conversation with him? He seems upset.

"So there..anything you wanna talk about? Like maybe your past..?" Reki quickly shook his head no. "I'd rather speak of something else.." he spokr quietly. I thought about something else we could talk about and thats when I came up with a question. "How come when we had our first encounter, you didnt speak? and neither did you speak before. Only twice in the passed five minutes." Reki looked around the room then landed his eyes on me. "I dont exactly know. I just subconsciously stay quiet." I nodded slowly. This was awkward. I missed him alot and really wanna hang out with him and be best friends like we always were, but its gonna be difficult.

"How about we get cleaned up? We still smell like rain." I laughed a little. He nodded agreeing and flashed a small smile

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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