Chapter Two

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And here we have chapter two!

Thanks for reading!

And remember most things that look like grammar mistakes are done on purpose for dialect reasons.


Thanks again!

-Makayla Rayne


Chapter Two

Mommy had long left the parlor, near direct after I read the note aloud. Delia shuffled in. "Lizzie."

"Oh hello Deely."


"For my walk with Everett?" When she nod, I continued. "No, not really."

"So you not be nervous child?"


"Then what you be?"

"Numb at a guess. I don't know what to feel. I should have expected it, right? Bein' the only marryin' aged girl 'round here and all."

Delia sighed and moved behind me. She smoothed down my gold curls. "Such pretty hair you got."

"I guess."

"Why don't you give the boy a chance girl? He could be the one God's given to ya."

"I just don't know Deely."

"Well then," she said, straightening. "Guess you just got to follow the road and see where it take ya."

I smiled a little. "You're right Deely."

"When I not be? Look." She gestured out the parlor window. I saw a brown and black carriage stroll up the drive.

I rose, smoothing down my blue and purple dress. "Here I go then."

"That's a good girl. Good luck."

"I figured you'd be accompanyin' us Deely."

" 'Course child, but I be at the back with the other slaves. Not allowed around you or young Mister Jackson on your escorted walk."

I gave a curt nod before headin' out to the main entrance. Mommy and Daddy stood tall in some of their best evenin' clothes, lookin' tall and proud. I moved slightly behind Mommy, head down.

I heard the carriage door close and could hear the smile in Mommy's voice. "Why David, Abbigail. Nice to see you on a day not Sunday."

"Same to you Mary Beth," Mrs. Jackson said to Mommy giving a smile. "Well at least we don't need no introductions. We already know Elizabeth and so do Everett. Everett, come out now darlin'. Don't tell me you be nervous jus' 'cause a beautiful lady is in our midst."

"An' if I am Mamma?" asked a deep voice from the carriage. It jostled as Everett climbed out. There were lots a people who went to church. I hadn't really paid much attention to Everett as of late. His hair, the color of gold sand look a bit longer and maybe he be taller too. He had on a sleek dark blue suit with no hat, which was odd. It was, after all, the fashion.

"The beautiful lady you were referring to is more than beautiful Mamma," he said. I heard him walk up and quickly ducked my head back down, a blush on my face. A few fingers were placed on my chin, jerking it up to his gray-blue gaze. I gulped.

He be touchin' be in a very intimate manner though we be only betrothed. After marriage this would be fine, but now...

"Eliza," he acknowledged. "Is it possible beauty grows in seconds?"

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