Eddie Kingston- Vlog *F/A*

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If it wasn't Ethan, it was Allie or Evil Uno or one of a dozen other people trying to get him to make an appearance on their vlog but Eddie hated that shit. He hated how fake it was, how much everyone schmoozed and catered to their viewers. Constantly giving them what they thought they wanted and for months now it seemed like all their viewers wanted was him.

Eddie didn't understand it, couldn't fathom why people gave a shit what he thought. Opinions were like assholes, everybody had one and yet they all wanted to know his about anything. It was stupid because all of it seemed vain, like an ego trip.

He hated it whenever one of the roster caught him off-guard pushing their camera in his face like he was a dancing monkey expected to perform at their becking call. Eddie took to cussing and acting crazy in the hopes they'd just leave him alone. Each and every one of those bastards that had a damned vlog wouldn't leave him be except her.

Y/n would stop her camera or aim it at the floor knowing how much he hated it. She'd smile and tell him she was sorry, that she'd edit out any part that had accidentally caught him on film. She'd seen what he'd done to the others, watched as he reached into the Oreos that Allie had offered him earlier crumbling them all to bits until she left.

He'd come across her one night backstage long after the others had left. He heard the music coming from her locker room, some vintage little diddy he remembered his parents dancing to when he was a kid. She was humming along and talking about it. A passion in the way she spoke, a brilliant glimmer shining in her eye. It was all over from there.

Then on out he kept coming back and soon it was just the two of them, music and a camera. Eventually, it went from the locker room to the hotel room where she seemed more comfortable, food, music, and their conversations on music. Sometimes she even drove her personal vehicle just to stow the record player, etc, her recent finds on a musical treasure hunt. Sometimes there were outings in the current city they were in, browsing a local record shop.

Eddie liked the childish way she'd practically run around the shop getting exciting with each find. He started manning the camera just to be able to show her how she looked. All that squealing glee finding a treasure, almost jumping up and down, buzzing with energy equivalent to a child on Christmas morning. He wanted her to see the way she smiled, that look in her eyes. How carefree and comfortable she was just being herself.

They used to just sit and talk about music and nothing else for hours on end. Various bands and their different styles, how genres had evolved over the years. They'd listen to vinyl and 8 tracks, cassettes, and CDs. From hip hop to R & B to country and house, dubstep mashes, and top 40.

He loved it because it was the only time he felt like he didn't have to perform, he could just sit back and enjoy the sounds. Didn't have to worry about what he was wearing, what he looked like, it was just about the music. Enjoy the whole vibe the music created in her locker room or wherever. It was seamless how it all felt, maybe it's because her vlog was about music and not so much wrestling.

Sure she'd talk about it sometimes, hell they both would but it was more so about music. Songs that got them energized before a match, playlists for the gym. Songs they couldn't live without hearing at least once a day. What did they listen to at bedtime or as Eddie would call 'Sexy time'. Or the ultimate road trip playlist.

That's all it was, just the two of them sitting there ignoring the camera altogether humming and singing away to whatever was playing in the background. She'd throw him for a loop when she'd bust out rhyming freestyle or get caught up and lost in Enimem's Godzilla. Each time she hit that fast chorus, the way her eyes would close and she'd let the words rip out her mouth not missing a beat.

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