blackbourne wedding 2

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I can't believe it those were the owners animals. They go everywhere the owner goes. The Russians own this place. I can't figure this out. As Silas and I make it back upstairs I can't help but think this through, we have been trying to figure this place out. The staff are all dressed modestly, the guards are huge, most everyone has a foreign accent though some of them I. Ant place. And they have nothing bad to say about their employer,that some were given this as a second chance.

So as we approach our suite to get ourselves situated I must have been so deep in my thoughts that I ran into.something or should I say someone. The moment I gained my composure I notice it was Luke,but before I can say anything he was gone. And I just watched I. The direction he went, shrugged my shoulders and went and got ready for our wedding. A lot of academy and others were coming to this. It's not every day the blackbourne team has a wedding. And the fact this is about to happen.


Well that was close, I was in a hurry to finish with the details for the take down when I ran into North literally, but he seemed so lost in his thoughts, I took that advantage and high tailed it out of there. I cant wait to see cupcake later. I was told to act like nothing is happening between us. So people don't expect a thing. But after all is revealed I can finally snuggle up with my cupcake. And make it known to all that are present. When Vasilie approached me last night. He invited me up to the penthouse after everything, so that we can talk and that I can finally be with Sang in whatever capacity she wants tonight.


With Vasilie by my side we went up to our penthouse to get ourselves ready. As I'm standing in just my bathrobe right out of the shower. I ask Vas which dress I should wear. As he comes over he undoes the tie of my robe and let's it fall to the floor and tells me that he would be happy to have my in my birthday suit. I tell him while we could enjoy that up here in the penthouse, that I don't think he wants to share that with the hotel guests and he growls and with a little action and an orgasm later we proceed to clean up quickly and get ready I wear a tea length emerald green dress with my black stilettos, Vas loves me in this color, he says it makes my eyes pop. And with the small baby bump starting to form due to my size he tells me how beautiful I look. I tell him come in handsome we have a wedding to put on and an academy to destroy.

As we head down and leave the elevator with Luna and Shadow flanked on our sides Vasi gives me a squeeze and heads to the kitchen to make sure everything comes out on time, while he leaves the wolves flank me on either side. Vasi said with the amount of Mafia in this place their is no reason to have a bodyguard attached but one of mine is always near by. Apparently they and to come up with a schedule for those that guard me,because apparently guarding me is no easy feat,it's a challenge but exciting,they never know what I'm gonna do. So as I look around I see Dominick and lev nearby and with the wolves flanked I proceed to the ballroom to open the doors. When I arrive, I roll my eyes because standing there is the eight blackbourne grooms,almost looking impatient. Heck they are blocking the door, so with a signal to Luna she makes a noise to alert them of our arrival,they just look at me.

I tell them they are early, those doors won't open themselves. They said they wanted to the hall before it's time. I tell them then if you step aside I can open the doors. Next thing I know   North is in my face bellowing about me just wanting to get in their to ruin there day. I tell him to step back,can he not here the growls coming from these two. He tells me no, and when he tries to get closer I need to command the two not to attack.

I tell North why would I want to ruin your wedding, I have the love of my life down in the lobby right now. Yet he still doesn't move. So when I see lev out of the corner of my eye, I tell lev I can handle this over grown grump but if he could open up the room that would be great. And I watch the face of North as I hand over the key to lev. I call to Dominick to let these over bearing guys into the ballroom. So while I look up to North he still doesn't move. I will not back down to him. And he knows I won't, i tell him he better get going into the room before their guests

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