o. wood | restless nights

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❜ ─ restless nights ─ ❛
otto wood x reader

IN WHICH ━━an insomniac finally manages to get a good nights sleep with the help of their boyfriend and some Pixar movies

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an insomniac finally manages
to get a good nights sleep with
the help of their boyfriend and
some Pixar movies

insomniac!reader, fluff,
awsten fangirling lmao

STORY CONTAINS ━━gender-neutral!reader, insomniac!reader, fluff,awsten fangirling lmao

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Sleep was never something that came easy for you.

Even before the tour started and you were back home, rarely would you be able to fall asleep at a decent hour—if you even got to sleep that night—no matter what you tried to exhaust yourself enough to let sleep finally take over your tired mind.

More often than not, you would find yourself falling asleep near the break of dawn only to be forced awake a couple hours later. You'd be lucky if you were able to find the time throughout the day to nap but once the tour began picking up, you knew there would be no time for that.

Otto had tried to help. Being the considerate boyfriend he was, had never forced you to attend meetings or events if you were particularly tired that day or didn't get enough sleep the night prior but your stubbornness often stood no chance against his kindness. Even Awsten and Geoff had both tried—and failed—to convince you to miss a couple meetings if it meant getting some sleep but they quickly learnt why Otto never pushed on the suggestion too hard. The only times he was ever successful would be when you'd pass out on the couch (rarely ever making it to the bed) upon coming home, claiming that you'd wake up in fifteen minutes or so (but he knew you'd be out for a good hour or so). Thankfully, the rest of the band and crew understood whenever you couldn't make it and even offered to reschedule as to better fit your schedule but they couldn't make accommodations for everything and the tour was one of those things.

Being on the road for shows meant following a strict schedule with little to no room for accommodations, meaning regardless of how tired you were, you would have to force yourself to stay awake to not miss it. Luckily for you when it came to that, caffeine was never scarce. It probably wasn't healthy how much you consumed on a daily basis but it worked well with the schedule so who were you to complain?

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