03 📞 know-it-all girl

880 77 12

Bold - Jay

Italic - You

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"This is Seoulli-eyes Optica -"

"Do you always sound like a snobby princess?"

"Only when I'm helping in the clinic."

"I repeat, you sound like a spoiled brat princess."

"So are you, what's your point, Jay-like voice?"

"Look, aren't you meant to be at school? I thought if you're a doctor's daughter, you'd be like an achiever or something in class."

"I don't go to school anymore."

"What? Were you a high school dropout or something? Oh god, I don't want a daughter who'll disappoint completely like that.. Why did he even trust you to keep the clinic safely for a whole month?"

"I graduated high school when I was fourteen."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I graduated high school when -"

"I heard you the first time, you idiot! But how?"

"Is it really that unbelievable that a girl can be smart too young for her age?"

"I just can't believe it."

"Figure it out, since the coherency of your spoken speech is rather limited in understanding."

"Are you being sassy? You are not allowed to be this sassy, Sore Eyes?"

"Why are you still calling me that?"

"That's your permanent nickname from now on."

"Okay. It's not like Mr. Squinty Eyes is much better than Sore Eyes"

"Mr. Squinty Eyes? Really, are you a kid?"

"Do you want to get your glasses or not?"


"Then why are you arguing with the person who can give it to you soon?"

"Because you're just pretending to be such a know-it-all?"

"Thank you."

"How did you become thankful for that?"

"That's a compliment to be compared to Hermione Granger."

"You know what, Miss Sore Eyes, I'd rather deal with Snape than you!"

"And I'd rather be with Dumbledore than deal with your constant complaining!"

"Fine, Dumbledore it is then!"

"Good. Now, about your glasses..."

"Yes, please, before I have to resort to using Wingardium Leviosa to find them!"

"You sound like a kid. Really, Mr. Squinty Eyes."

"Said the one who talked about Hermione Granger first."


"Guess I'll take Snape over you any day,"

Mr. Squinty Eyes And I ⚊ Enhypen Jay Text AU [ #6 ]Where stories live. Discover now