24 📞 helping hand

369 35 0

Bold - Jay

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏

"This is Seoulli-Eyes Optical Clinic, what can we do - oh from the background music alone of Paradox Invasion, I could tell this is their center for that song?"

"So is this you admitting you're stalking me in Enhypen's activities?"

"Nah. Never. Sooah kept sending links about your performances. She even want to bring me in some fansigns, had it not for all of you being in quarantined right now"

"Hmm.. A valid point"

"But seriously are you running out of tee-shirts nowadays?"

"Why would you even ask me that?"

"Well, I've been seeing posts of your fans in twitter, and the question I always see is that one. Is Jay running out of shirts now? Why do he seems to wear sleeveles everywhere?"

"Is it really about them or you just don't want to admit you're finding it distracting too huh?"

"Are you even hearing yourself? By the way, how's your eyes nowadays?"

"Imagine the clouds before the rainstorm"

"Grey, cloudy and quite dim? Did you know it was the best time to drink hot coffee on a rainy day with a toasted bread? Yummy!"

"Stop thinking about food. Now imagine being stuck in a such a state. You can see clearly where you're standing, but you're basically blind at some point in your day"

"Sure, I can understand. My eyesight is also as bad as yours"

"Good to know, so you also wore glasses?"

"All my life. I got it from my dad's genes and it explains the long line of optometrist in this family"

"Thanks for letting me know, but when will you help me about this problem? I'm getting tired of worrying of how this would get worse for me as the days goes on without my glasses. Or have it checked up at least. When will your dad return?"

"Is it really that bad?"

"Now, imagine that you're repeatedly tripping and bumping into some plant's vases in the dorm. Jungwon nearly cut my computer's wire after I broke one of his cactus's pot this morning. And it's been like this for a few weeks now"

"This is really a big problem huh?"

"You're telling me. Well, now be an angel and send my glasses to me, okay?"

"Right this second. I'll send it to your address that you included in my dad's log. What about the check up?"

"I'll wait for your dad. But our concert tours is coming next month"

"Look, we still have a few weeks, right?"

"Mmm.. We were not leaving until the second week of August"

"So I'll try my best to call my dad and ask about what we should do so I can check you up myself. Will that be satisfying for you?"

"I - well, thank you, Sore Eyes. I really appreciate this"

"Oh, er, you're welcome. I just don't want you to suffer while you're abroad"

"Is this coming from a fan or a friend?"

"Exactly like coming from a friend"

[ beeps ]

"It's nice them to have a friend like you"

Mr. Squinty Eyes And I ⚊ Enhypen Jay Text AU [ #6 ]Where stories live. Discover now