10 📞 spongebob squarepants

660 68 11

Bold - Jay

Italic - You

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"This is Seoulli-eyes Optical Clinic, what can we do for you?"

"This is Seoulli-eyes Optical Clinic, what can we do for you?"

"Stop mocking my voice!"

"Stop mocking my voice!"

"God, Jay, why did you have to be annoying?"

"God, Jay, why did you have to be annoying?"

"Aha, listen boy, My first love story"

"My angel and my girls, My sunshine"

"Uh, uh, let's go!"

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"

"Spongebob Squarepants! Spongebob Squarepants!"

"You sound like a humorous kid. Though I'm surprised that you, of all people, watched that show"

"Are you kidding? Spongebob was my childhood along that Dora the Explorer who's always stupid asking where is Sniper?"

"Yeah, but aren't you korean? It's not popular in our country"

"What does that mean? I can watch it in youtube or in a cable channel!"

"Your face"

"What about my face?"

"I'm not going to tell you, so I can keep you in suspense forever.. Hahahaha!"

"That was the worst evil laugh ever"

"Oh, I'm sorry, your Royal Highness. Does that offend you so much or I need to put on one of Darth Vader mask to be acceptable as a villain? Luke, I'm your father!"

"You're my father? No, you're not because my dad once he dropped me as a baby because I was reaching for a Harry Potter cd instead back then"

"He dropped you? Is that why you're so idiotic?"

"According to your sarcastic rant, I inherited it from your Star War's ass"

"Okay, this is getting weird"

"Yeah, let's stop talking about this stupid topic"

"Do you still hate me?"

"Do you want me to hate you?"

"I don't know, it's your choice"

"I don't hate you or anything, I just shaded you on our second call because I already got a hunch it's you, Park Jay"

"This is what you get when you matched two indecisive people in a call and tell them to decide on something!"

"I'm not indecisive!"

"Yes, you are!"

"I hate you"

"You'll love me"

"How can you say so?"

"Because like they said, once you got charmed by Park Jay, you'll never escape"

"No, Mr. Park.. I don't love strangers, nor do I accept to loving an Idol for real"

"You think so? Why?"

"I've been a fan for a long time of BTS and I've imagined once if they'll notice me.. I'm a lot younger than them but now I learned my limits. I know my place. Fans should know that because idols have their own lives behind their fan service"

"Well, Ms. L/N, sometimes you can step over some boundaries"

"Like what?"

"Like how your bias is now in a relationship with an upcoming idol in Belift"

"What else? They're both idols soon"

"Ni-ki's girlfriend is an Engene"

"You're giving me this ideas because...?"

[ beeps ]

"I could ask the same thing for myself"

Mr. Squinty Eyes And I ⚊ Enhypen Jay Text AU [ #6 ]Where stories live. Discover now