Chapter 37

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Sorry. The picture is all weird and funky. I couldn't find a better picture to describe this chapter. Make sure to vote!!


Selena POV

It was freezing cold outside and I'm about to freaking swim in the pool. Can someone please give me a reason why I should be swimming in this weather????

"Justin. It's so cold!!" I close my eyes and stump my feet like a little girl.

"Just jump! Like this!" Justin yells and jumps into the pool.


Water hits my cold body.

"You did not just do that." I glare at Justin.

"Do what? This?" Justin splashes water at me again.

"JUSTIN!" I yell and get into the pool. I hit the water at his face, million times.

Once I stopped, I started laughing. Justin's eyes were closed and he was frozen.

"Hehe. That was fun." I giggled.

Justin opens his eyes then swims under water.

"Hey, where did you go?!" I scream.

I look around the pool, still not able to see him.

"Hey, what are you doing in the pool? And alone?" Benzo asks.

"Justin and me were swimming and I can't seem to fi-" I get cut off the when I get picked up under water.

"SHIT!" I yelled.

I look under me and it was Justin.

"Justin! Jesus Christ. You scared me. Don't do that again." I sighed.

"Sorry!" Justin tried to hold in his laugh but failed and started laughing out loud.

"I hate you!" I push his chest.

"Love you too baby." Justin winked.

I rolled my eyes and faced Benzo.

"Want to join the fun?" I ask her.

"Mm...sure. Why not? I'll go change." Benzo goes inside to change.

I turned around and shook my head at Justin.

He just laughed.


"POOL TIME!" Benzo screams and jumps in the pool.

"Hey, where is everyone? Tell them to join!" I ask.

"Charity and Harry went home. Francia is on the phone. She's probably leaving soon."

"Aw. That sucks. I wish we can all swim together." I sigh.

"Who caressss? Let's just have fun with just us till that day comes!" Benzo says positively.

"Alright." I smile.


After 2 hours of swimming with Benzo & Justin, we all went inside and took showers.

I pulled out some pajama shorts with a T-shirt that says, 'James Franco'.
{NOTE: she's wearing the pajamas she wore in her ice bucket video}

I headed downstairs and saw Justin and Benzo on the couch, on their phones.

Of course.

"Y'all would be on your phone while I'm taking a shower." I roll my eyes and sit I'm between them.

"You took so long in the shower. What do you do in there?!" Justin asks.

"Oh you know, girl stuff. Shaving legs, under my arms, oh and my-" I get cut off by Justin.

"TMI!" Justin yells and covers his ears.

"Too much information? But you're the one who asked..." I tried to act all innocent.

Justin rolled his eyes and I laughed my ass off.

"Anyways, guys, we should go home now." Benzo says.

"NO! Sleepover guys!" I whine.

"I'm down with that." Benzo says. Then we both look at Justin.

"Sure. I guess." Justin says.


"YEAH!" Benzo screams back.

"Oh no." Justin shakes his head and face palms.

"Oh yes." I smirk.

I throw a pillow at Justin and he catches it.

"3..2..1..GO!" I scream.

Before I could even think who to hit first, I get smacked in the face with a pillow.

"Ouch!" I laugh while whining.

"Hey, you don't hit my best friend!" Benzo yells at Justin and hits him with her pillow.

We all ended up hitting each other with pillows.

11:11 pm
Justin POV

"Our hair looks so funny Omg." Selena says looking at herself in the mirror.

I laugh at her.

"Hey, it's 11:11 guys." Benzo smirks at me.

"That's sweet." I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Everyone make a wish!!" Selena smiles. She closes her eyes and so does Benzo.

Even though I don't really believe in this shit, I went along with it and closed my eyes.

My 11:11 wish is to make Selena mine again.

Jelena (Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now