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Photo: @uzuriartonline on tumblr
Word count: 1.176k
The next 10 to 15 minutes felt like a lifetime, you'd glance at Loki, he's gaze never left the tests. You started getting nervous as to whether or not the test would say negative or positive you couldn't help but notice that your body was shaking a little. Your timer on your phone finally went off,  both you and Loki automatically grabbed one of the test.

You let out a gasp as you put your hand over your mouth reading it as it said " positive" you move your attention towards Loki who's just standing there with the blank expression again looking at the test in his hands. "L-Loki" you said nervously you couldn't tell whether he was happy or not. "Loki" you said again in a little more refined tone in your voice. He looked up meeting your eyes. He saw little tears form in the corner of your eyes, He walked towards you and kneeled as he embraced you. "Shhh let it out love" he placed a  gentle kiss on your forehead. You placed your head In the crook of his neck and just start crying letting your emotions out.

You finally controlled your breathing and you're crying stopped, Loki  cuffed your face and his hands began to wipe your tears away. Your thoughts came flooding in, you're so shocked by the fact your test is positive. All you could think was "I'm pregnant I'm really pregnant" Loki broke the silence, "do you want to keep it"

" w-what?" You looked up at him with confusion as to why he would ask you that. "Do you want to keep this child" he sad in more serious tone. "Loki i-i don't know" you paused and looked him in the eyes " Do you want to be a father?" he placed his hand on your thigh. You take your left hand and put it on his cheek as you press your forehead against his. Allowing him to read your thoughts.

Loki took a deep sigh before shifting his body, " y/n" his face never looked more serious. "Loki" you said nervously. "there's no easy way to say this" he paused for a moment, you can feel your heart drop,  You took a deep breath and try to prepare yourself for whatever he said next. "I do not wish for this child to be born nor do I wish for the mother of my child to be a mortal like you" he said bluntly with the blank expression on his face. " What!?" Your expression changed to confuse. " are you serious!" You give him a Stern look." Yes love I am" he moves his position to stand by the door. you look to meet his eyes, " Why!?" His eyes meet yours . "It's complicated" you're face grew with confusion as you got up from the toilet and walked towards him.

" How is it complicated Loki?" your body begins to tense up a little. " Calm down please, let me explain" he takes a step back. "Explain then!" You begin to feel anger take over. " It's not that easy y/n, your a mortal pregnant with a God's child, if you have this baby it will be a huge mistake" you take a deep breath, "why would it be a mistake?" he slowly begins to walk out the room. You grab him by the arm and turn him to face you " Don't walk away when I talk to you!" He can see the anger in your face. " why would it be a mistake!?" you wait for him to reply but he doesn't he just stares at the floor " ANSWER ME DAMMIT!" he looked at you and removed your hand from his arm and began to walk into the living room.

You and Loki continue to fight making your way to the living room, you kept throwing stuff at him out of anger and frustration by the time you were done arguing your apartment had looked like a tornado had hit it. " You know what I never gave a fuck about you anyways Loki" you said standing by the window knowing that sentence wasn't true. He quickly replied " and whoever said I gave a shit about you!, your just another punnie mewling quim of a moral! " that phrases was the last breaking point before you broke.

" you're so fucking heartless! To think I let you take my advantage of me! I gave up my innocence and purity thinking that we could be more than friends with benefits!" you looked him in the eyes "  I guess I really am just mewling quim to you" he moved away from the door.

" always have been always will be" you locked your eyes with him and Took a deep breath holding back your tears as you say the next sentence. "Fine walk out on me that's what you and every else in my life are good at anyways" tears fall down your face " I just hope you realize you're the one who will be making a mistake Loki!"  he walks over to you kisses your forehead then turns to walk back to the door  " The only mistake I ever made was not using a condom with you"and just like that he walked out.

You fall down to your knees and just sit there crying replaying everything he just said to you. You couldn't help but think maybe Loki was right , "am I even capable of being a mother" you thought, " can I even raise a child by myself, let alone be a single parent" All you could do is sit there and cry letting your thoughts consume you. Before you knew it, it was the next morning, you woke up to your phone ringing. you got up from the cold floor trying to rub your eyes away while walking. You try looking for your phone on the bed until you heard the sound coming from the bathroom. As you get to the doorway you see the test still there and you wished that that was all a dream you had but sadly it wasn't.

You pick up your phone to see 7 missed calls from Tony, 8 unanswered texts from Bucky  and, 4 unanswered calls from Nat. You look at the time on your phone to read that it said 10:30, you quickly realized you were late. As you get ready you call Tony back who answered immediately, " finally you answered, are you okay!?" He sounded very worried and concerned.

" Hey Tony! yeah I'm fine, My phone died and I forgot to charge it and slept in by accident" you replied trying to find your Jean shorts. " It happens to the best of us, but you kind of had us all worried there for sec" you can hear the team in the back whispering to have him question you. " yeah I know I'm fine, look I gotta go but I'll be there in 20 okay" you said nervously. " Okay kid, sounds good!" You hung up and quickly finish getting ready. You wore your jean shorts with a plain white shirt.

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