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Photo: @mintyisdrawing on tumblr
Word count: 1.134k
You arrive to the gate showing Security your badge and you quickly pull in and park your car, you grab your bag and walk into the compound.  You walk in and you're greeted by vision and Wanda you say good morning as you rush to find Tony.

You head to his office but you don't find him in there and you knew he'd be in the lab. As you enter you see Bruce, " Hey brucie is tony in here by any chance?" He looked up from what he was working on, " No he's in the training room" he quickly turned his attention back to his work. " Thanks Bruce!" You got in the elevator and made your way down.

You were prepared for it just to be Tony and happy in the training room, as you open your door to your surprise Steve, Bucky, and Nat we're all in there as well. You freeze as you see all of them training, "Hey kid!" Tony exclaimed as he got out of the ring and walked over to you and gave you a hug.

" Hey....guys" they looked at you weird. " you Okay?" Steve asked also stepping out of the ring. " Yeah I'm fine" you gave a small smile. "You got your color back doll" Bucky said as him and Natasha walked over to you and each gave you a hug. " Yup I'm feeling better" that was a lie. " Anyways tony I wanted to talk to you about something" you shifted your gaze to him " What's up?" He looked at you as he drinks his water.

" I wanted to chat privately" before he could answer vision walks in. " Team meeting in 5" he said before he walked out. " Can the chat wait till after the meeting?" Tony question looking at you. "Umm yeah that's fine" you smiled before walking out.

You were going to make your way into the conference room, before you reach it you started to feel a little nauseous. You head down to the kitchen and grab a glass of water. Clint and Sam walk in and see you hunched over the sink holding your stomach. "Hey y/n you okay?" Sam asked you turned around. " Yeah I'm fine" you take a sip of water trying to make it go down.

" You look a little pale again" Clint said as he passed by to grab a water from the fridge. "Here put this on your head" he gave you the cold bottle of water. You couldn't help think about how The coolness reminded you of when you were sick. Loki would turn into his Jötunn form amd gently make ice packets to soothe you. " that feels good" you smiled at him. " that normally helps Laura and Lila when there feeling sick" He smiled back.

" All avengers report to the conference room at once please" you hear F.R.I.D.A.Y say through the intercoms " just as my day was going good Tony just had to ruin it didn't he" sam said sarcastically which made both you and Clint laugh. " At least it's not a living room meeting we all remember how that went" The three of you laugh before you leave the kitchen.

You,sam and Clint make your way to the conference room. You sit in between Wanda and Bucky. Before you knew it Tony begins to speak going over mission plans, reports, daily agenda's, and schedules. All you heard was blah blah blah blah, as he talked. You didn't mind these meetings but sometimes it could be kind of boring, and this one was one of the boring ones. You look at Bucky who looks like he's ready to fall asleep. " hey tin man wake up before he sees you" you whispered in his ear which made both of you just smile trying to hold in your laughs.

The meeting was finally over and you got up collecting your things. " So what did you want to chat about?" Tony sat down in the chair next to you. " I know this is short notice, I was wondering if I could take a couple days off?" You look At him hoping he would say yes.

" would a week work?" He questioned

"Actually, a week would be great, May I ask why are you giving me a week?" You looked at him as he played with his watch.

"I mean you have been working really hard the past couple of weeks and not to mention you've also been sick so you technically deserve it" he looked up and gave you a small smile as he gets up. " Thank you Tony! I appreciate it so much!" You gave him a big hug and to your surprise he hugged back "You're welcome"

You walk out of the conference room and continue your day doing what you had to do. You look at the time and notice it's already 3:30 and your stomach was growling. You couldn't help but put both your hands on your stomach and just look down,knowing there's a person in there.

The thought of it made you feel happy but also made you scared. " Are you okay?" Wanda said looking at how your posed. " uhh yeah fine just really hungry, I haven't eaten anything yet." You give her a small smile. " Ohh darling let's grab something to eat" nat over heard your conversation. " i heard food I'm in!" You both look at her and laugh. The three of you went out and had a nice girls day you said your goodbyes and got in your car and headed back to your apartment.

As you arrive and unlock the door you realize that the mess that was still there from last night. You signed as you looked at everything. You set your things down on the table, and began to start cleaning. You ended up deep cleaning the entire apartment, by the time you looked at the clock it was two in the morning and you have been cleaning for nearly 7 hours. you put all the bags of trash by your front door. " I'll take those out tomorrow" you thought before turning off all the lights and heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

As you got ready for bed and laid there, you couldn't help but just sit there and look at the test. "I'm going to be a mom" you thought. You started crying at the fact that you'd be a single mom and you were scared, you didn't know what to do. I mean it wasn't like you could tell anyone because you knew what the reaction would be if you told them who the father was. You sat there just letting your thoughts flow out controlling your breathing before you drifted off to sleep.

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