"Stella, what happened, what's going on?" Bloom asked as she walked into the room to find Flora and Stella facing off.
"Flora is overdoing it as usual." Stella sneered.
"I'm just carrying out a couple of experiments. I've got an exam soon." Flora said.
"Huh no kidding you've been going on about it for a month. I'm gonna use the power of flowers to thwart the witches' evil spells." Stella whined.
"What's wrong with that? power is power no matter where it comes from." Blaire said as she carried over a potted plant for Flora.
"What's wrong with that? In case you haven't noticed Bloom's room has become a humongous chemistry lab." Stella argued.
"Bloom gave me permission and what's more she and Blaire said they'll help me study." Flora smiled.
"I've already passed the simulator test so uh…"
"Yeah, some test." Stella scoffed.
"Hey I took on Icy, Darcy and Stormy it wasn't easy." Bloom said.
"Ahem!" Blaire coughed while raising a brow.
"Of course I had some help." Bloom said and Blaire smiled in satisfaction.
"I'm sorry Bloom." Stella said.
"Don't worry about it. I know you're all a bit nervous." Bloom said.
"Don't worry about it? You should see my room! Okay I gave Flora permission to put her flowers by my windowsill because they need a lot of sunlight but then she spread herself out and put a bunch of melanoma Verico--"
"Somoza vain Atossa." Flora corrected.
"Whatever! I mean she put them right next to my mirror you guys, my mirror!" Stella whined.
"Well it's normal they feed off reflected light. Your mirror is huge so it's perfect." Flora said.
"Ugh! You think this is normal!" Stella said, pointing at the plants that were wearing her clothes and applying makeup.
"What's wrong?" Flora asked.
"They're trying out my clothes!" Stella whined.
"That's why they're called Vain Attosa." Flora said.
"I don't care what they're called, make them stop right now. Oh my clothes, oh Bloom my beautiful clothes…" Stella cried as she held Bloom's arm.
"Oh Stella, it's not that bad." Blaire said.
"Oh yes it is. They're wearing my shoes. They're even using my make-up and look at them, they have no taste whatsoever, they're outfits don't even match." Stella argued.
"What do you expect they're just plants." Blaire said.
"Techna doesn't complain about it." Flora said.
"Hi Musa, have you seen Techna?" Flors asked as she walked into their room.
"No, I haven't seen her since this morning." Musa said as she read her book.
"Are you guys having any trouble with my plants?" Flors asked.
"What do you mean? We had plants in out room?" She asked.
"Um, yes I asked Techna to keep a few seeds in the dark inside her closet." Flora said as she opened the closet and inside, Techna struggled as she was tied up in vines.

Winx club: A Heart's Fire
FanfictionBlaire, Fairy of the Crystal Heart. The Crystal Heart is said to be the very essence of the magical dimension . After the creation of the of the magical universe by the Great Dragon. Life however still needed to be given to the planets and so the Br...