A Great Secret Revealed

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It was the holidays in the Magic Dimension amd the girls were heading home.

The sisters, Bloom and Blaire made it home to Gardenia, reunited with their parents.

"It's good to be home." Blaire muttered as she flopped on her bed happy to be back in her room. 


The next day Bloom and Blaire were helping Vanessa cook lunch.

"So how long will you two be home for, how many days off did the school give you?" Vanessa asked.

"Um…one week." Bloom said.

"Hm, that's not very long." Vanessa said.

"We know but it's better than nothing, Bloom you're cutting the carrots too big." Blaire said.

"Well economics is certainly not one of Bloom's best subjects is it?" Vanessa said as she took the knife and cut the rest of the carrots as Blaire giggled.

"Oh…I'll never learn." Bloom sulked.

"Don't be like that Bloom, sulking doesn't look good on you." Blaire said, tapping her nose.

"You've grown so much, both of you have." Vanessa said.

"You think so?" Bloom asked.

"Yes, most definitely." Vanessa said as she cupped Bloom's cheek.

"Hey…do you smell that?" Blaire asked as she sniffed the air.

"Yeah…Mom, do you smell something burning?" Bloom asked.

"Oh my!" Vanessa gasped as they turned to see the oven in flames. "What a disaster!" She said as she grabbed the cloth.

"No mom! Let me do it." Bloom stopped Vanessa and used her magic to lift the flames and smoke towards the ceiling.

"Watch out!" Vanessa gasped.

"Don't worry mom, she knows what she's doing." Blaire said and soon the flames and smoke disappeared.

Vanessa sighed with relief as she sat down. "You are…amazing." She sighed.

"I only saved the kitchen." Bloom said.

"You may not be a very good cook, bit your powers are stunning and I can't wait to see what you can do too Blaire." She said.

"Alfea doesn't offer home ec classes but on the other hand it's a great school for fairies." Bloom said.


The two went out for a ride on their bikes through the city to enjoy the breeze and Bloom let go and spread her arms wide.

"Dad!" Blaire waved as he drove closer towards them causing Bloom to stop.

"Hey there little ones." Mike waved from the fire truck's open window.

"Hi Daddy." They smiled.

"Hello Bloom, Blaire." The fireman beside Mike waved.

"Oh Hi." They said. 

"See you at dinner." Mike said and drove off.

"See you then!" Blaire waved.

"Yeah, have a good day!" Bloom yelled.


"Well, well, well, look who's back?" The girls stopped hearing their obnoxious neighbor call out to them. 

"Mitzy, we're here on break." Bloom said.

"On break, from what?" Mitzy asked.

"From school, sorry we gotta go." Blaire said.

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