1 || A new world

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I opened my eyes as I woke up, I felt myself fall down. Thankfully the fall wasn't too painful as I landed on a bed.
Wait- a bed ?? I was confused on why I was on a bed. I was breathing heavily, panting like a dog as sweat flew down on my face. I quickly sat up from a bed and took a glance to the room where I'm at.

The room looked very similar, as if I've been here before. Ah right, this is my room. I was confused to why I'm in my room. He recalled his memory. The last time I was awake, I was with my family wandering around a place that my parents brought me to, along with my sister and my boyfriend ; we all, except my parents, have never been to that place before.

It felt weird. It was like I was in a dream. A very long dream. I was also wondering if this is also a dream. I pinched myself and surprisingly, I felt pain which means it isn't.
So does that mean, that time was a dream ?? I was completely confused but I just brushed it off as a core memory of a dream.

As my breathing finally became steady. I decided to go to my kitchen to drink water. Yes, I no longer live with my family anymore but to the dream I had. It felt quite nice to be living with your family again. Spending time with them was the best. I stood up and walked to my door to open it.

I then left my room and made my way to the kitchen. As I was walking there, I heard a meow. It was my pet cat, Patches. She must've been starving. I opened the fridge to get a water bottle, twisted the lid and drank it. I then opened a shelf to reach out for patches's cat food and poured it on her bowl for her to eat.

I walked back to my room. Realizing the place was very dark, it must've been in the middle of the night. I then closed my bedroom door and layed down to my bed. Insisting on going back to sleep, but as I was about to close my eyes. I heard a ding.

I looked to where the noise was and saw my phone lit up. It seems to be that I had a new notification. Who would be up in the middle of the night ?? Oh right, time zones. I sat up again to reach out for my phone and saw the notification bar. It seems that Technoblade, my boyfriend, had sent me a message. I clicked it to go to our dms.

" Hey dork, had you seen the new smp ? "
The new smp ? I was confused to what it was. I replied by asking Techno about it.

" Idk much man. I just suddenly saw my computer lit up and saw the new smp, I haven't joined it though "
He replied. I then looked at my computer and weird enough, it lit up, just like what Technoblade told me.

That was weird, I thought. I wore a puzzled face as I was confused to what was happening. I raised my hand to cover my eyes from the bright light. I then walked forward to it to take a look.
I sat down to my gaming chair and checked what was on the screen. My computer was featuring minecraft, showing me the servers I have and weirdly enough. There was a new smp at the top of all of my servers.

It was a server I had never joined at but somehow the name reminded me of something. It reminded me of that dream, the place where my parents took me. The sign had the words saying " The dream SMP " the server also has the same name. It was like named after me.
I then texted techno, questioning him if he had the same server as to what I'm seeing right now.

" Yeah ! yeah ! it was "
He replied, strangely, he has it too.
It this a coincidence ?? Is someone playing a prank on us ?? But how ?? Did someone hack us ??

I was very confused. I then placed down my phone beside me. I was very hesitant to wether I should play it now or maybe later. After for a few moments of hesitating, I then decided to join it. Clicking on the server, it was now loading.
Feeling a bit nervous.

As it finished loading, I felt a sudden pull out of nowhere. As if dragging me somewhere very hard. I yelled as I got sucked in to a portal as I slowly faded away, getting sucked in the game.

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