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That's when I get an incoming call.

"FUCK- oh my god it's just David."

I accept the call and can't even say hello before the cheery "Hello, Max!" chimes in from the other end.

"I just got off work. Can't it wait 'til I get home?"

"Of course! This will only take a minute." I can practically hear his smile. I'm used to it now, that unbelievably happy attitude, but he has toned it down a bit. I guess leaving the camp did wonders for his mental health, he seems actually happy now.

He continues. "I was just wondering what my son wants for dinner?"

I roll my eyes at his emphasis on the s-word, less out of annoyance and more so in a fond way. At least he cares.

"Just whatever you make will be fine. You know I'm not picky." I mumble, I'm fidgeting with the gear shift and staring out the window. I just want this phone call to be over so I can get home. I am exhausted. David can probably hear it in my voice because he is quiet on the other line for a moment.

"We can talk when you get home, Max. Drive safe!" He hangs up and leaves me alone with my thoughts again. I zone out for a while longer before shaking my head and putting my keys in the ignition.

What is wrong with me? Fuck.


When I park in the driveway and take the keys out of the ignition I catch David out of the corner of my eye. He opens the front door and greets me with an enthusiastic wave. I wave back, hopping out of the car and closing the door behind me. David steps out of the way to let me through the door and I smile to myself when I smell what he's been cooking. Pizza.

I untie my sweater from around my waist and fling it onto the couch as I walk past the living room. I plop down at the island and rest my head on my arms, crossed in front of me. Finally a bit of relaxation. I sigh a breath of relief, only tensing for a brief second when I feel David's hand on my back.

"Hey, kiddo," David starts, beginning to rub a small comforting circle on my back. "Rough day at work?"

I shake my head.

"Work was fine."

It's true that it fucking sucks usually, but today was calmer because most of my day was spent doing inventory in the back.

He hums in response but doesn't say anything, waiting for me to vent. I raise my head and David's hand falls off my back. He looks back at me with such an understanding and sympathetic expression. I can't believe it used to piss me off so much. I was such a dick back then. Back

Usually, it doesn't bother me that I think of camp when I look at him. It's been five years since it shut down. Since that day when I knew I had truly been abandoned by my parents. I'll probably never get over that, I'm working on it. But no, what is bothering me about remembering camp today hasn't got anything to do with that.

"D'you remember camp?" I asked. The question was rhetorical, but he answered anyway.

"Of course," David smiled, sadly. "How could I forget."

" you remember everyone who went there?"

David quirked an eyebrow, he looked confused about the direction this conversation was headed.

"Well, I just..." I paused. I'm being way too dramatic about this. What is my problem? "I think I saw...Preston today. And... I dunno, it was weird."

David suddenly perked up at the name.

"Oh, yes! Actually, I forgot to mention, I saw Preston's grandmother in the supermarket the other day." David beamed. "They moved here a few weeks ago. I knew this area was getting more popular but I wasn't expecting it to bring more familiar faces. Isn't it great?"

I nodded along, but I wasn't listening. Why does talking about him have to make me so nervous? I swear if I didn't have that stupid crush on him back then I wouldn't be having so much trouble now. I think back to just passing him on the street. There's no way I would still like him, he's just as fucking loud and obnoxious. And he probably doesn't even remember me. He didn't even stop to say hi.


My head snaps over in David's direction, he's standing over the oven and taking the pizza out.

"Dinner is ready," he smiles. "We don't have to talk anymore if you don't want to."

I nod.


After dinner, I head upstairs and into my room. I flick on my lamp and immediately bury myself in my blanket. I take my keys and phone out of my pocket, put the keys on my bedside table and check my phone.

So many text messages.

Most of them are from the group chat Nikki, Neil and I made. We don't all live in the same state, but we managed to reconnect after Camp Campbell shut down. I skim the chat without taking in much information, it's mostly just hyperactive ramblings from Nikki about God knows what. The next message is just from David, he sent it earlier in the day.

"Hey, kiddo! Give me a call during your break and let me know what you want from the store :)"

Damn. Guess I missed that one. But I think back to the pizza and shrug. In the end, it worked out I guess.

The next unopened message is from Nerris.

"hey, max. really sorry to switch the schedule up on you again :( but nerris the cute made a mistake. my quest isn't until the day after tomorrow! can we switch shifts again??? if you take tomorrow ill also cover the next shift you want to take off!! :} "

God. Fucking. Dammit.

I drop my phone down onto my mattress and dig my hands into my hair. I groan loudly and punch the space beside my phone once before shooting Nerris a quick message.


I check the time on my phone.

10:37 PM

Jesus Christ. If I'm going to make it to work tomorrow I better sleep now. Not that I'll have much trouble with that.

I almost immediately, pass out. My last thought is a fucking prayer that tomorrow is less stressful.

sunflower: resurrected (a maxpres fic rewrite) (2022)Where stories live. Discover now