Chapter 9

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When Sakuhana wakes up, she saw that she was in the infirmary, Kuyomi immediately rushed and hugged her with Yagoo.

Sakuhana: Can I ask what happened?

Oliver: When All Might tried to take you, you shouted back at him to stay away and you grew black-colored wings but there are white colored feathers as well.

Selen: You were also out cold for 5 whole hours.

Sakuhana: Okay. Tries to get up but feels no pain. Huh?

Choco: Auhtral hypothesizes that you may have gotten fallen angel like abilities. Which gives you an enhanced regeneration.

Sakuhana: That's amazing.

Choco: Yes, and thanks to that your fully healed.

Sakuhana: Wow. Wait does that mean that?

Yagoo: I'll allow it, I did say that you can debut once you are fully healed.

Sakuhana: Thank you mom and dad. And thank you everyone for looking after me.

Astel: We told you before right. We treat each other as like family, so no need for the thank you.

Luca: We all look after each other.

Sora: We probably should do your character design, lets get to the design studio.

Sakuhana: Stands up. Alright let's go. Mom, Dad, we'll be going now.

Yagoo: I'll do some paperwork in my office, if you encounter any problems feel free to visit me.

Sakuhana: Right.

Nina: We also should be going back to ANYCOLOR HQ now. Bye.

Nijisanjien leaves Cover Corp. and heads back to ANYCOLOR HQ, Sakuhana and the Hololive and Holostar Members went to the design studio, Sakuhana had the same avatar as her regular appearance with the only difference being fully black wings.

After the creation of her avatar.

Sakuhana is now in her room waiting until tomorrow, she then contacted Auhtral.

Sakuhana: Hey big bro.

Auhtral: Hey sis, also we are the same age. Chuckles.

Sakuhana: Chuckles as well.

Auhtral: So, what do you need?

Sakuhana: I was wondering can I doxx you on my debut tomorrow?

Auhtral: Alright, just don't call me Auhtral, call me "Indigo". Okay?

Sakuhana: Okay, big brother. Love you.

Auhtral: Love you too sis. Ends call.

Sakuhana: Tomorrow's going to be a good day. Sleeps.

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